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Where every person has a story.

HHS Media

Hannah Miller

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief

Hannah Miller is a senior entering her fourth year on the Newsstreak staff and is one of the editors-in-chief for the paper. She enjoys spending time with her two dogs, Natty and Josie. In her free time, Hannah runs. A lot. Some of her other skills include bad dad jokes, bad dancing and bad mac and cheese making. Hannah’s life goal is to travel with the legendary Molly Campillo.

All content by Hannah Miller
(Left to right) Jade McLeod, Noah McIntire, Fernando Posada, Tucker McGrath, Hannah Miller, Andi Fox and Christa Cole stand atop the sign at Old Dominion University before a presentation.

Students receive high honors at Research Symposium

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief May 24, 2019

Each year, the Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) accepts papers from students across Virginia to be presented at their annual Research Symposium. Students in HHS’s Governor’s STEM Academy are...

(Left to right) Sophomore Hayden Kirwan, Seniors James Henderson, Samuel Heie, William Daniel, Ganna Aboutable and junior Ritt Culbreth celebrate their victories at VHSL's Regional Tournament. Daniel, Culbreth and Aboutabl all competed at the National Qualifying tournament as well, with Aboutabl placing first and advancing to Nationals. "I don’t think I’m going to win anything at Nationals, but it’s really exciting to be able to go," Aboutable said.

Aboutabl advances to National debate tournament

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief April 16, 2019

Senior Ganna Aboutabl joined our debate team just two short years ago and has since risen to be one of the top Lincoln-Douglas (LD) debaters in not only our school, but the country. Over the weekend of...

Senior William Walker begins to draw a character for one of his art pieces. Walker previously attended Baltimore School for the Arts before transferring to HHS.

Walker transfers from art school, continues to express passion for animation

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief March 21, 2019

Two years of a personal art teacher, three years at a top-ranking art school and an undeniable passion for animation. Senior William Walker, a first-year student at Harrisonburg High School, first discovered...

Students in TSA pose for a group shot after competing in the Regional competition.

Technology Student Association advances to States

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief March 4, 2019

The HHS Technology Student Association (TSA) chapter had 18 students travel to the Valley Regional Fair at Stuarts Draft High School on Saturday. Each of these students placed in the top three of either...

Baltimore School For the Arts is a selective public school offering strands in dance, theater, visual arts, music, film and stage design.

Walker transfers from art school, continues to express passion for animation

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief March 3, 2019

Two years of a personal art teacher, three years at a top-ranking art school, and an undeniable passion for animation. Senior William Walker, a first year student at Harrisonburg High School, first discovered...

Snapple lids, with the slogan "The BEST Stuff on Earth," display fun facts on the inside.

Snapple lids provide interesting fun facts

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief March 1, 2019

Random knowledge seems kind of stupid. Unless I plan to star on Jeopardy, there is no real benefit to knowing that a fungi with a 3-mile long footprint resides in Oregon if I can’t even remember judicial...

Sophomore David Beck sprints away from the line after receiving his hand off from Hulleman.

Boys 4×800 relay makes it to first State competition

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief February 28, 2019

“The goal was to be at the state meet, obviously. I wasn’t sure that I knew who was running. This year was a really interesting year because I graduated three seniors… I had a lot of holes to...

Social studies teacher Mark Tueting relaxes with one of his cows back at his farm. Tueting runs his own farm in Batesville, Virginia, where he lives a different lifestyle when he isn't creating tests or grading worksheets in a classroom setting.

Tueting runs grass-fed farm, uses time for planning

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief February 26, 2019

The daily workload of a teacher- grading worksheets, creating tests and lecturing- can be a hard row to hoe, but they have to do what they can to bring home the bacon. On top of the seven hours a day spent...

Jazz Ensemble receives superior rating at District Jazz Assessment

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2019

After traveling to Albemarle High School Saturday, Feb.16 for the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association District Jazz Assessment, our Jazz Ensemble received a superior rating. It was the group's...

Inouye takes notes during her first law class of the musical.

Inouye takes notes during her first law class of the musical.

Hatfield, now Inouye's ex boyfriend, reprimands Inouye's character's behavior.

Hatfield, now Inouye's ex boyfriend, reprimands Inouye's character's behavior.

Inouye and her fellow Delta Nu's.

Inouye and her fellow Delta Nu's.

Junior Lizzy Burzumato does sophomore Stanley Inouye's makeup before the show.

Junior Lizzy Burzumato does sophomore Stanley Inouye's makeup before the show.

Senior Sophia Thomas warms up before the performance. Thomas is part of several dance numbers during the show.

Senior Sophia Thomas warms up before the performance. Thomas is part of several dance numbers during the show.

Cast members gather around director Ken Gibson for a couple notes before curtain opens.

Cast members gather around director Ken Gibson for a couple notes before curtain opens.

Inouye's character celebrates her high LSAT score, one factor she needed to get into Harvard.

Inouye's character celebrates her high LSAT score, one factor she needed to get into Harvard.

Inouye discusses her problems with Paulette, played by junior Kate Cummings, at a salon.

Inouye discusses her problems with Paulette, played by junior Kate Cummings, at a salon.

Inouye smiles in excitement as her characters boyfriend, played by senior Weston Hatfield, walks up.

Inouye smiles in excitement as her characters boyfriend, played by senior Weston Hatfield, walks up.

Seniors Noah McIntire and Robin Vogel converse while their characters are at a party.

Seniors Noah McIntire and Robin Vogel converse while their characters are at a party.

Senior Julia Inouye (left), playing Elle Woods, takes notes in her first law class. In this scene, Inouye had to act oblivious to the difference between her and the classmates around her.

[Photo] Legally Blonde performs for eighth-graders in first public show

February 19, 2019

Senior Julia Inouye (left), playing Elle Woods, takes notes in her first law class. In this scene, Inouye had to act oblivious to the difference between her and the classmates around her.

McIntire, playing a snobby Harvard student, introduces himself.

McIntire, playing a snobby Harvard student, introduces himself.

McIntire's character gets a lesson from Callahan, played by senior Kyle Showalter.

McIntire's character gets a lesson from Callahan, played by senior Kyle Showalter.

Inouye attempts to focus on her LSATS, a test necessary for Harvard, while a party ensues around her.

Inouye attempts to focus on her LSATS, a test necessary for Harvard, while a party ensues around her.

Junior Declan Leach performs a Jamaican song during a party.

Junior Declan Leach performs a Jamaican song during a party.

Inouye celebrates receiving an internship with senior Isaac Mast.

Inouye celebrates receiving an internship with senior Isaac Mast.

Math teacher Geoffrey Estes contemplates Inouye's application as a Harvard Admissions Officer.

Math teacher Geoffrey Estes contemplates Inouye's application as a Harvard Admissions Officer.

Sailor sits on the stage prior to the performance. Sailer plays Cummings' dog in the show.

Sailor sits on the stage prior to the performance. Sailer plays Cummings' dog in the show.

Sophomore Mariel Joven, playing one of Inouye's closest friends, gives her advice.

Sophomore Mariel Joven, playing one of Inouye's closest friends, gives her advice.

Delegate Chris Hurst presents the House Bill 2382 to the Education Subcommittee on Jan. 28 to protect scholastic journalists from censorship.

House subcommittee kills bill to reaffirm student journalists’ first amendment rights

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief February 14, 2019

Jan. 28, 2019 marked a loss for student publications across the state. In 1969, a Supreme Court case, Tinker vs. Des Moines, defined First Amendment rights for students in public schools across the country....

The Stage Streaks celebrate their first place win at the 5D South Sub Regional One Act Competition. The cast will now be moving on to compete in regionals next Saturday, Feb. 2 at Albemarle High School.

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief January 27, 2019

The weekend of Jan. 26-27 was an exciting one for members of this year's One Act, Siddhartha. The members of the cast put on their first public performance in October, but have since competed in the 5D...

Junior Leif McCoy (center) and senior Weston Hatfield (right) perform "Superstition."

Band members reflect on show

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief January 25, 2019

Shouts and hollers filled the air of Clementine Cafe as senior Weston Hatfield and junior Kate Cummings stripped the jackets of their 80s look and threw them to the floor. The crowd was loving the cover...

Bird scooters sit on the sidewalk in their "nest." Bird and it's competitor Lime have inundated Harrisonburg with scooters.

Childs sparks conversation about scooter safety

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief December 21, 2018

It’s dark, it’s freezing, and you just want to get home. After spotting the iconic glow of a scooter, you step on, swipe your card, and zip off. Bird, the first company to launch rentable electric...

Oodles of straws display their vibrant colors in an attempt to distract from the tragedies they cause.

Apologies of a former straw-user

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief November 21, 2018

Subject: Official recall of statements previously made by my naive, sophomore self regarding straws From: Hannah Miller To: The human and turtle populations Dear fellow environmentalists (and...

Senior Owen Marshall holds a lamp to sidelight Mbala's face for a picture.

Mbala starts Business Built on Love to help DRC

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief November 14, 2018

The Newsstreak staff sets up a photoshoot for the upcoming front page story: senior Pierre Mbala's bracelet business, Business Built on Love. To read more about it, look for it on A1 in our November...

DECA members take a group picture after competing in Districts.

DECA places high in districts

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2018

Members of DECA competed in Districts Friday, Nov. 9. Junior Francheska Fontanez-Gonzalez won first place in two events, Food Marketing Series & Principles of Business Management. Junior Ann Diaz won...

Senior Ray Walton stands in the exact spot of a scene from the first "It" movie.

Walton stumbles across filming for ‘It: Chapter Two’

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief November 3, 2018

One minute the seven young children are running from the terrifying Pennywise. Then, the word “CUT!” slices through the air, and they’re doubled over laughing. This is the filming of “It”, a...

At the very end of the show, the whole cast formed into a tree.

One Act cast presents life of Siddhartha

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief October 21, 2018

    After witnessing sickness, aging and death, a young Siddhartha Gautama set out to discover a solution. Born in the Himalayan foothills of current-day Nepal over 2000 years ago,...

Students at the See You At The Pole event gather around the flagpole in a circle and pray.

Poirot brings national religious event to a local level

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief September 27, 2018

With the sun rising above them, over 20 students held hands around the flagpole Wednesday morning, Sept. 26. Senior Gabe Poirot, who hosts religious meetings in the library conference room before school...

Seniors Alexia Munoz (left) and Marena Benton (right) discuss whether they've collected enough soil. Students were instructed to get enough to fill a beer bottle. Later in the year, they will be using a similarly sized container to plant soybeans.

[Photo] Biotechnology class collects soil samples from local farms

Oziel Valdez, Online Editor in Chief September 26, 2018

Biotechnology teacher Myron Blosser shows students a soybean root, pointing out the nodules. The class's research this year will focus on the plant's nitrogen fixation capabilities and the effect of bacteria...

Cosner's art hangs around his house. “I like to work with my hands; I like to be creative and make things that I can use. I've made a closet... our family's dining room table, a coffee table in the living room and then some art around our house,” Cosner said.

Cosner enjoys woodworking hobby

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief September 14, 2018

English and debate teacher Aaron Cosner spends his time in school crafting words for debate lessons, and his time at home crafting wood for projects. “I like to work with my hands; I like to...

Tape is a desktop essential

Tape is a desktop essential

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief September 10, 2018

Looking at the large cardboard box mailed from my aunt, I was so excited to see what I would be getting for my fifth birthday. After my dad had finally peeled back the shipping tape, I ripped the flaps...

Mamund attempts to keep his feet in the hula hoop after swinging too far. If one member of the team failed, the entire group had to restart.

Mamund attempts to keep his feet in the hula hoop after swinging too far. If one member of the team failed, the entire group had to restart.

Freshman Steven Alfaro laughs during a get-to-know-you game. After failing to find a space on the outside of the circle, Alfaro was forced to take his spot in the middle.

Freshman Steven Alfaro laughs during a get-to-know-you game. After failing to find a space on the outside of the circle, Alfaro was forced to take his spot in the middle.

Sophomore Shawn Williams-Chacon regains his balance after jumping onto a small circle. His team had to work together to make it from start to finish without stepping on the ground.

Sophomore Shawn Williams-Chacon regains his balance after jumping onto a small circle. His team had to work together to make it from start to finish without stepping on the ground.

Summit Academy teacher Jennifer Diggs works with her team to complete a puzzle in silence. The group was given a card with instructions, and then each member had to contribute their piece without using words.

Summit Academy teacher Jennifer Diggs works with her team to complete a puzzle in silence. The group was given a card with instructions, and then each member had to contribute their piece without using...

A JMU Team Challenge Course employee explains the first team building activity of the day, "celebrity bodyguard". One student was responsible for protecting another from the "paparazzi".

A JMU Team Challenge Course employee explains the first team building activity of the day, "celebrity bodyguard". One student was responsible for protecting another from the "paparazzi".

Sophomore Emmanuel Trammell prepares to defend himself in a game of "trainwreck". Groups were placed in a circle and had to run to the middle before finding a new spot on the outside. After four turns in the middle, Trammell had to struggle to make it out of the middle.

Sophomore Emmanuel Trammell prepares to defend himself in a game of "trainwreck". Groups were placed in a circle and had to run to the middle before finding a new spot on the outside. After four turns...

Students in the Summit Academy reach to make it the the other side of the course without stepping on the ground.

Students in the Summit Academy reach to make it the the other side of the course without stepping on the ground.

Sophomore Nyaz Mamund, supported by a member of his group, reaches over an obstacle for a rope. Over 40 freshmen and sophomore in the Summit Academy visited the JMU ropes course to take part in a variety of team building activities.

Sophomore Nyaz Mamund, supported by a member of his group, reaches over an obstacle for a rope. Over 40 freshmen and sophomore in the Summit Academy visited the JMU ropes course to take part in a variety...

Sophomore Dmitriy Kukharchuck arranges lizard-shaped puzzle pieces. He and his other 11 group members had to complete it without verbally communicating.

Sophomore Dmitriy Kukharchuck arranges lizard-shaped puzzle pieces. He and his other 11 group members had to complete it without verbally communicating.

Madison White, a rising senior at JMU, yells for students to get into groups of four for an activity. White led the Summit Academy through multiple exercises during her first day as a Foundational Teamwork Leader.

Madison White, a rising senior at JMU, yells for students to get into groups of four for an activity. White led the Summit Academy through multiple exercises during her first day as a Foundational Teamwork...

Mel Shtanko adds caramel drizzle to a funnel cake for a customer.

Freedom Funnel Cakes serves fried desserts from new mobile business

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief June 17, 2018

By Klines Dairy Bar downtown, a Friday afternoon is filled with fried funnel cakes and friendliness from a new food trailer. Inside, owners Casey Rubenstein and Mel Shtanko are serving customers a variety...

Senior Yamile Rodriguez Perez laughs with her friends as she drinks her smoothie.

Senior Yamile Rodriguez Perez laughs with her friends as she drinks her smoothie.

A Tropical Smoothie employee poses with students after they received their free drinks.

A Tropical Smoothie employee poses with students after they received their free drinks.

Seniors talk, take pictures and drink smoothies while they wait for their class picture.

Seniors talk, take pictures and drink smoothies while they wait for their class picture.

Seniors Corin Vogel and Joshua Lucas run up the hill past the smoothies to make it to their class picture. Seniors got to grab smoothies before the picture and bring them with them.

Seniors Corin Vogel and Joshua Lucas run up the hill past the smoothies to make it to their class picture. Seniors got to grab smoothies before the picture and bring them with them.

Seniors Alice Perrine (left) and Rose Copeland (right) grab free smoothies after taking their senior class picture.

Seniors Alice Perrine (left) and Rose Copeland (right) grab free smoothies after taking their senior class picture.

Seniors Katrina Kirilyuk (right) and Sydney Pigott receive their free smoothies.

Seniors Katrina Kirilyuk (right) and Sydney Pigott receive their free smoothies.

Senior Jane Wyatt receives her smoothie.

[Photo] Tropical Smoothie Cafe gives over 1,000 free smoothies

June 7, 2018

Senior Jane Wyatt receives her smoothie.

Senior Lesly Joya thanks Tropical Smoothie for her free drink.

Senior Lesly Joya thanks Tropical Smoothie for her free drink.

Freshman Amira Lucas high fives the smoothie mascot while smoothies are given out to her art class.

Freshman Amira Lucas high fives the smoothie mascot while smoothies are given out to her art class.

After receiving free smoothies, seniors wait atop the hill for their picture to be taken.

After receiving free smoothies, seniors wait atop the hill for their picture to be taken.

Tropical Smoothie employees sift through the crowd to get free smoothies to all the seniors.

Tropical Smoothie employees sift through the crowd to get free smoothies to all the seniors.

Senior Eva Didot receives her free smoothie. Tropical Smoothie donated thousands of smoothies after members of the Harrisonburg community reached 10,000 shares on a Tropical Smoothie post.

Senior Eva Didot receives her free smoothie. Tropical Smoothie donated thousands of smoothies after members of the Harrisonburg community reached 10,000 shares on a Tropical Smoothie post.

Seniors thank Tropical Smoothie for their free drinks.

Seniors thank Tropical Smoothie for their free drinks.

Seniors Carissa Roberts and Sydney Harper and freshman Elena Luhn run the 100 meter dash. Roberts reflects on what made her last season great. "It was definitely the friends. I’ve also gotten some great tan lines, so that’s amazing. I love my relays and I love running well," Roberts said.

Outdoor track celebrates season with ice cream banquet

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief June 1, 2018

Now that the regular track season has come to a close, the team hosted their annual end-of-the-season banquet Wednesday evening, May 31. The banquet not only celebrated the end of another season of competition,...

A roadside stop in Costa Rica overlooks an expanse of lush greenery.

A roadside stop in Costa Rica overlooks an expanse of lush greenery.

Kindergarteners examine one of the prototypes at the showing.

STEM students take prototypes to Bluestone kindergarteners

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief April 20, 2018

Shouts of, "I like the pink one!" and, “My turn! My turn!” echoed through the main hallways of Bluestone Elementary School. At the end of the April 17 school day, kindergarten students spilled...

Flueckiger and JMU grad Ryan Campbell pose outside of the Cubs World Series gala, planned by Flueckiger and her company.

Flueckiger lives dream job with innovative work, decorates White House

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief April 8, 2018

Carolyn Flueckiger is making America beautiful again. Leaving behind her high school ambitions of pursuing a career relating to pre-med or genetics, Flueckiger graduated from JMU, leading her to where...

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Hannah Miller