A lot of fun but challenging. It definitely took me out of my comfort zone but it was rewarding in that respect.
2. Did you go on any journalism trips?
I went to a conference at VCU, and it was really cool to see other high school newspapers compared to the Newsstreak. The classes were good in helping us get new ideas and even when they said things we already knew, it helped us make our good things better.
3. Did you make any new friends through journalism class?
My best friend Amanda Dombrowski was in the class and our friendship definitely grew but everyone was really good friends and I still see people I met in class around now.
4. What is something you learned in journalism class you would not have learned in a normal English class?
I learned interviewing skills and I was really shy my freshman year and it helped me come out and grow as a person and talk more openly. That has helped me all through college, and I had to talk to a lot of business owners for ads and speaking with grownups and being professional. It also really helped with my creativity because I learned how to use Photoshop which was one of my favorite things to do and I still use it. I wouldn’t have had the chance to learn that in any other class.
5. would you recommend taking journalism to another high school student?
Yes, I definitely would, especially if they go to HHS