Merry Jennings:
Why did you choose to teach journalism?
My son was on the newspaper, and his adviser transferred, so the principal needed another adviser. I had been on the newspaper staff in college, and I was interested in journalism, so I took up the position. I have been in journalism 16 years.
What is your most rewarding experience?
Just the whole atmosphere of teaching class, students work hard; it’s just a big team effort
What was your favorite journalism trip?
We usually go to VHSL conferences (Richmond, Roanoke); but I prefer for kids to go to jCamp.
Who are your journalism role models?
Valerie Kibler: I admire her energy and enthusiasm. In southwest Virginia, we don’t have too much of a network of advisers, but I read the local paper, Newsweek, the New Yorker, Leonard Pitts (a columnist I use a lot in class). I don’t necessarily have a role model as to what an adviser should be, or as to what a newspaper should be.
What is your advice to other advisers?
I try to encourage students to come up with their own topics, to be more excited about journalism, and not to assume something won’t get published. These days teachers without tenure are too scared to publish something.
Describe one student that has really stood out in your mind.
I had a student who won the Savage Award in 2001-she went to VCU, now working on doctorate.
What is a funny event that has happened in the newsroom?
We had the first version of the Apple computers, and they didn’t work very well. The screens would shut down in the middle of class. We had a flat roof behind our room. One day I was editing in an English classroom, and an editor on the paper jumped onto the roof and just climbed through the window. The teacher that was teaching in the room tried to get him in trouble, but I calmed her down and got him out of trouble.
What role do parents play on staff?
When we’re having hard times, they buy ads. Parents help out the best journalists at home, talking to the about politics, etc.
Any cool decorations in the room?
We have a bulletin board to put stuff on like newspapers, posters, sayings, pictures (in English room). In the newspaper room, we have multiple posters, cartoon from Czechoslovakia, etc.
What food does your staff have while working?
There are 8 people on staff; I come in after school or after XC practice when I need to, and the kids come in after school and stay until they need to, and we usually have pizza, subs, and cheez-its.