Tricia Comfort was the one of two Editor-in-Chiefs for Newsstreak during the 2009-2010 school year. The most lasting memory from Newstreak from all four years that Tricia worked was the trip to St. Louis.
“The whole trip was so much fun, and everyone worked really well together,”
Comfort also says that “every day in class was so much fun, especially with Mrs. Kibler as the teacher.”
Out of the multiple stories that Comfort wrote, she said that her favorite is the “Akeem Jordan story that Katie Suratt and I wrote. It was by the far the best story because we got to meet and interview Akeem, and also step a little outside our comfort zone. It also didn’t hurt that the story won some awards.”
Comfort says that the class taught her “the importance of being able to work with others because now that I’m in college, classes are all group work oriented, and it helps to know how to get along with other people.”
“I would definitely recommend this class if you can take it, because it is fun but you still learn a lot about journalism and writing, and you get to meet a lot of people you wouldn’t meet normally.”