Q&A with Michael Toucet

Q: What’s your favorite thing about HHS so far?

A: “I’ve made a lot of friends, and teachers are really helpful in this school.”

Q: What is your favorite class and why?

A: “P.E. I enjoy it because it’s my first block and it helps me start my day with energy.

Q: Are you involved in any clubs or sports?

A: “I am not yet involved, because I’ve crippled my foot and fingers.”

Q: What are some challenges high school has put you through?

A: ”I haven’t really been challenged yet, everything has been good so far.”

Q: What are some goals you’ve set for yourself for this school year?

A: ”I want to pass all my classes and try and see if I can go home for the holidays.”

Q: Where are you from?

A: “I am from Puerto Rico.”

Q: What is something you are expecting to see or experience this year?
A: “I expect the unexpected.”

Q: Has high school been what you expected?

A: “ Yeah, it’s been leading up to my expectations

Q: If you could change anything about school what would it be?

A: “Nothing really, I believe it’s a really good school and I don’t think I would change anything.”

Q: How are high school and middle school different to you?

A: “I went to middle school in Puerto Rico, and there you take all your classes with the same group of students, while here you can take classes with people from different grades and different groups too, so that’s a big change.”

Q: Do you think the high school is better than the middle school?

A: “From the school I was from yes, because teachers only teach the subject and then just give out a bunch of homework. Here they help you understand and if you have a doubt they make sure to help you with that.”

Q: What makes you Special?

A: “I’m really good at strategizing.”

Q: Do you own a pet? What’s his or her name?

A: “Yes, I have a dog in Puerto Rico and his name is Doki.

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: “My favorite color is green.

Q: Craziest thing you’ve done?

A: “I’ve jumped from a roof to a pool.

Q: What’s on your bucket list?

A: “I don’t have one, but now that I think of it I’ll consider creating one.”

Q: What did you do during the summer?

A: “I traveled to Washington and Connecticut and played many video games in my house.

Q: What genre of music you listen to?

A: “I listen to rap and trap.”

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: “My favorite food is rice and beans.”

Q: Who is your favorite artist?

A: “John C, he’s an artist from my country.”