Blog: Eating right and Exercising go hand in hand

“Fitnista” with Ella Marian


Ella Marian, Sports Editor

STOP! Just wait a second before you put that chip in your mouth. Think to yourself, are you really hungry? What did you previously eat today? Have you done some form of exercise today? If you are really hungry, have eaten your share of healthy food, gone for a walk or done intense cardio, then please proceed to enjoy that delicious chip. If you have done the complete opposite, put the chip back in the bag and set it aside. Knowing and setting your limits is very important to staying fit or getting into shape.
Instead of snacking whenever and whatever, try to stick to an eating plan. Talk to a professional (a doctor, physical therapist, or trainer) and calculate your net calorie consumption. Then throughout the coming weeks it will be important to try to eat healthy while sticking to your net calories, but if you are still hungry and you’ve already reached your goal, EAT SOME MORE! You don’t want to starve yourself! There are days where your tummy will just constantly say “FEED ME!” Keep your stomach happy.
Some may find this a diet, but it really isn’t, it just helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You still get to eat what you want, just at the right time. Take my plan for example, I try to eat around 2,500 calories a day. I usually eat oranges or other fruits for breakfast. For lunch I either pack a sandwich or salad accompanied with some yogurt, more fruit or some chips and a cheese stick. When I get home, I have either more fruit or cheese as a snack before I begin my daily workouts. Then, of course, dinner to finish off the day. That is roughly 2,500 calories. Sure some days I go over it because I was either really hungry or I just wanted to eat all the delicious food. That just means I have to exercise a smidgen more the next day.
Along with this eating plan comes with an exercise plan. Eating right and exercising go hand in hand in either getting in shape or staying in shape. This will always depend on your calorie intake. For me, I exercise everyday. Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays I have dance. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays I either go for a fast walk for about 40 minutes to an hour and then do 10 minutes of skipping routines, go for a 30 minute to 40 minute bike ride or do pilates and Zumba indoors (usually when it’s cold or rainy outside). All that leaves is Sunday, which is my rest day.
Everyone’s eating plan is different because everyone’s bodies are different. My plan is so far working to keep me in shape. Over time, when my body gets well known to it, I can intensify my workouts and change a bit of my eating to lose just a pound or two if I wish. Its just important that I know my limits and I stick to them. That’s what this plan, not diet, helps with.