Canada made the right decision by legalizing marijuana


A growing concern in this school and many others around the country is the distribution and use of marijuana in and outside of the school. It is true that in young students, marijuana will have many negative long term effects. In adults however, there are not that many negative repercussions. It is not very harmful in people whose brains have ceased development, as long as it is used in moderation and responsible environments.

Recently, the country of Canada has allowed the selling and distribution of marijuana. It can be sold in stores by a licensed seller, or even delivered to your door by the government itself when in need for medical use. In the United States, however, the use of medical marijuana is still outlawed in 20 states. The use of recreational marijuana is outlawed in 41 states.

Marijuana is virtually non-addictive, not like nicotine, alcohol and most other recreational drugs. It can be used medically to help with various pains caused by things like headaches, diseases like cancer, or nerve pain. This would be especially helpful in avoiding opioids, which have a potential to be extremely addictive. In the case of some patients, it can calm anxiety as well.

For recreational use, marijuana is not physically addictive. The only way to become addicted to marijuana is through a psychological addiction, which is a rare phenomenon. It can not cause you to overdose, as well. The average amount of cannabis it would take to cause death would be over 50 pounds of marijuana. An average person would die of smoke inhalation before the drug itself killed them. It is a much better alternative to the other drugs such as cocaine, phycadelics or heroin.

When used responsibly and at the correct age, marijuana is not that harmful as long as it is not used in excess. It is comparatively safe compared to other recreational drugs, and has its medical uses as well. If used correctly, marijuana is a very safe alternative to the other drugs out there.