How to use a turn signal

With photo and video directions on the fine art of using a turn signal

There is never a good reason to not use your turn signals. Ever. If you are turning, it is helpful, and in some cases, necessary to use them. Despite this, an epidemic of lazy drivers has plagued the road and in turn, the turn signal lever has become cobwebbed and obsolete. So, in order to decrease the likelihood of your parents yelling at you for an hour and a half about insurance premiums, here is a quick reminder of how and when to use your turn signal:

Legally speaking, a fender bender is always the driver who crashed into the ahead car’s fault, but don’t ruin someone’s day and/or car by randomly stomping on the break without signal. The roads and the world would be a lot better place if everyone put the most

minimal effort into flicking their wrist.

(Video): Make sure you keep your signal on all the way through the turn in order to avoid all possibilities of a crash.