Fall: Yay or Nay?

Randee Rose Joven, Staff Reporter

A new season has begun and I’m unsure whether or not I’m loving it so far. The hassle of bringing a coat and having to put on layers of clothing isn’t much fun for me. This will be my third time to experience autumn ever since we moved to the United States, but I don’t feel as excited as a lot of people. There’s still some more getting used to the cold happening.

Several of my friends have told me how thrilled they are to finally don a whole new type of wardrobe. Girls styling their scarves, wearing colorful jeans, comfy sweaters and cardigans and leathered boots. I lived in a country with no four seasons or white Christmases and 20-something ºC heat year-round. I prefer flip flops and shorts all year long. But that won’t happen when it’s forty degrees outside. Although, the transition from tank tops to sweaters couldn’t ever be that bad. Change is always good.

Despite the change of apparel, I would be delighted to finally see the different colored tree leaves,yellow, orange and red, and every single   one of them falling soundlessly like snow as winter is nearing. It’s a sight to see. I remember my mother complimenting on how wonderful they were, and on our first year we took four different pictures for every season in front of a huge tree. The first season was fall with leaves descending and scattered on the ground. There are also days during autumn in which the weather is really relaxing, when the breeze is cool but not enough to have you freeze to death. As a person who likes being in her room a whole lot, I still appreciate the great outdoors when nature is showing another side of itself.

Anyhow, I enjoy having different kinds of seasons but I still get homesick. I miss living in some place more tropical with palm trees and blue seas and white sand beaches. Therefore, I must say my choice is in between. Even though I’ve resided in this country for about two years and three months, there’s, like I’ve said, still a bit more getting used to and adjusting that’s bound to happen.

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Fall at Hillandale Park.