Blog: Please, get a room

“The Weekly Tirade” with Ariel Vogel


Ariel Vogel, Feature Editor

Ah, high school hallways. They are filled with the soothing sound of shouted curses and squealing chatter. Walking to your next class, you shove through bodies and try to ignore the elbows and glares shot your way as you try to make it out alive. Students fling backpacks affectionately at strangers, toes are trampled lovingly, eardrums are gently burst and sometimes a friendly tussle will break out in the corner, bringing the mentors we call “teachers” to restrain the pals who have gotten out of hand.

My all-time favorite part, however, is seeing the tender moments in the corners, the beautiful, blatant exchange of spit, the heartwarming gropes out there for the world to see.

Thus, the epitome of high school hormones.

Love is sweet; lust is disgusting to witness. Romance is nice; passion is something that should be kept behind closed doors.

It’s unfortunate when people take their relationships outdoors, let alone into the hallowed high school halls. It’s even worse, however, when your friends, the very people with whom you share your revulsion for conspicuous canoodling in the corner, take part in such abandonment of privacy.

Perhaps the development of the teenage mind includes the augmentation of how to keep your love life indoors and high school students still haven’t reached that point. Maybe a course should be taught on how to keep your hands off of your significant other while in a public arena. If it’s a completely lost cause and a vending machine selling condoms must be erected to at least ensure safety, then so be it.

In any case, something must be done to stop this obvious disregard for civilized etiquette  However, I will not stand for having my delicate sensibilities dilapidated for the sake of teenage hormones.