Opinion: Flappy Bird flaps no more


Isabelle Burden, Managing Editor

With no heads-up at all, the immensely popular app “Flappy Bird” took smartphone users and made them into game addicted super freaks for a high score. Twitter has blown up with irritated teenagers because of the game. It may seem stupid, and in all honesty it probably is, but there are stories out there of teens neglecting schoolwork to maintain success in this game. The Flappy Bird creator, Dong Nguyen, has obviously seen this reaction from users and has taken the game out of the store, which has led Twitter users to rejoice, saying,

“Thank God Flappy Bird is out of [App store]. Retweet to save a life.” Of course, these people are hyperbolizing the situation, but the tweet does have some truth to it. Without this game consuming teens’ lives, maybe they will be more aware of their schoolwork and lives outside of this cyber world they have caught themselves up in.

Nguyen is being extremely smart about this. He puts the app out on the market for just enough time to create a reaction and make a heap of money, and then snatches it out of the App store to create a need for it during it’s absence. Then, he will most likely re-release the app which will create an even bigger hullabaloo that will make him even more money.