Opinion: Clementine Cafe has an incomparable ambiance

Garrett Thompson, Style Editor

Help Wanted plays a  benefit at Clementine cafe, downtown.
Help Wanted plays a benefit at Clementine cafe, downtown.

Ambience is a word seldom applicable now in America. It’s that certain je ne sais quois that can make a superb restaurant spectacular. It can make a Friday night a Friday night on the town. There aren’t many places, especially not in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where you can find that vibe. That is why I consider Clementine Cafe the crown jewel of the Downtown Harrisonburg restaurant scene.

When I first walked into Clementine, what I found most intriguing was how fresh and modern it was compared to what was downtown at that time. The art on the wall, the floor layout, even the bathroom is chic and trendy. It really gave me that ‘big city’ feel even though I was in rural virginia.

Clementine has a very good sense of community and the revival of downtown Harrisonburg which I find very important. “Local” is definitely the trend among new restaurants this year and Clementine is all over that.

The menu offers a wide selection of various appetizers, entrees and desserts. Whether you are a burger lover, a steak connoisseur or someone who loves the excitement of trying something new for the first time, Clementine Cafe has something for you.

Not only does Clementine feature an already fabulous dining experience with its up-to-date interior and its culinary artistry, but it also features a live music space where bands from the area and names known around the country can perform. The live music really helps add to the experience dining there.

I haven’t really been to another place like Clementine’s. The restaurant offers a dining experience in Harrisonburg that is incomparable among local eateries.