HHS stays in shape at home, athletes reflect on seasons
April 7, 2020
With gyms and other fitness centers being closed due to COVID-19, students and staff have found ways to keep themselves in shape during these times. Read about how the HHS community is getting the work done and how Spring sports athletes feel about their season being cut short and how they are making up for it with home workouts.
Brino-Dean adjusts workout schedule for quarantine
Due to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam declaring all K-12 schools to be closed for the remainder of the school year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people around the globe are practicing social distancing. Social distancing prevents human interaction, slowing down the spread of the virus. With restaurants, bars and gyms closing, it becomes increasingly difficult to go to different places. Freshman Tylor Brino-Dean is feeling the effects of quarantine with her workout schedule. Her original workout plan had to be adjusted to accommodate with the ongoing quarantine changes.
“In the winter, I usually go to the gym but those are closed right now. Occasionally, I run outside but it’s pretty cold so I try to go to the gym,” Brino-Dean said.
For the health and safety of everyone, many gyms have been closing, such as Planet Fitness and Sentara RMH. With the closings, Brino-Dean has been finding other ways to stay fit.
“I’ll just run outside now because that’s all I can do and I really don’t mind it. I don’t go to the gym because it’s closed but I had before,” Brino-Dean said.
Brino-Dean has participated in cross country and triathlon events many times before. Running is a regular routine in her life. Due to maintaining social distancing, Brino-Dean runs less often than before.
“I’ll try to get out and run five times a week, if I can. I will usually try to do more but since we are under quarantine, I can’t run as much,” Brino-Dean said.
The effects of COVID-19 have been stressful and difficult for many people. Staying away from other people can be difficult for anyone that enjoys socializing with others. Brino-Dean is feeling the struggle of quarantine.
“It’s kind of hard staying inside and not socializing, but I’ve stayed up with my schoolwork and things so that’s good,” Brino-Dean said.
Freshmen create new fitness routines in response to gyms and school closing
Freshman Aidan Saunders looked forward to this spring soccer season on the JV team all year. Now, he’s found himself deprived of that opportunity by COVID-19. Saunders has played soccer since middle school and has always enjoyed and looked forward to playing it every year.

Freshman Aidan Saunders rests between plays.
“I was looking forward to the season and it’s sad how everything got cancelled,” Saunders said.
Despite not being able to formally practice, Saunders conditions with long distance runs, lasting anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes. He also runs sprints as well as lifting weights. Physical fitness is not the only thing he works on however, Saunders spends as much time as he can doing ball work such as juggling.
“Sometimes some people from the team want to play soccer outside of school so we could do that but it’s not the same as playing against another team. I like playing soccer on a team because it’s more fun than playing alone,” Saunders said.
In the same boat is freshman Prosper Jubalani Astero Costa . Astero Costa was excited to play soccer at HHS, though he does think that it was smart to call off school. Astero Costa has had to find a way to practice his soccer and stay active. He does this by spending time juggling a soccer ball in his back yard.
Another freshman who has tried to find a way to stay active during quarantine is Adam Vanwyk. Vankwyk liked to go to the gym two times a week to work out, but since all the gyms are closed, he has to find new ways to stay fit.
Freshman Adam Vanwyk, another member of the JV boys soccer team, has been affected by the coronavirus. He likes to go to the gym twice a week and work out.

Freshman Adam VanWyk watches the ball.
“I’ll have to run and do bodyweight exercises,” Vanwyk said. “I’m also going to box because I own a punching bag and gloves.”
Like Saunders and Astero Costa, Vanwyk thinks that it’s completely reasonable for the closings because he thinks it’s a dangerous virus.
“I think it’s reasonable because there’s a lot of people who are breathing and sweating over things. It’s definitely reasonable for gyms to close and I feel like I can adapt to the situation because there are plenty of ways to do workouts from home like doing push-ups, sit-ups and weight training if you have the equipment,” Vanwyk said.