Letter to the editor

To the editor:

Thanks to Spencer Spears and other students from Harrisonburg High School, Eastern Mennonite University, James Madison University and other schools for raising concerns about climate change and the damage we are doing to this planet. 

Older and younger adults who ignore, cover up or deny the problems related to climate change risk the future of those students who protested and their own children. Why should we care?

Persons in New Jersey and Louisiana  who have lost their homes or businesses to climate change may feel that the rest of us have turned our backs on what for now is “their” problem. Eskimos who are no longer able to catch enough fish to feed their families because it is no longer safe to go out fishing on the ice in Alaska may also be more aware of the significance of problems caused by climate change than older adults ever will be. 

I think that all these students deserve an A+ in the practical application of science, government and many other courses of study. I and many others may deserve an F in accepting and facing what we have not done and can do to address climate change problems. Let’s learn from Spencer and these students how we can get a better grade on minimizing the causes  of global warming and taking care of our planet.

The students become the teachers. I love it.


Paul McFarland

1901 Rhiannon Lane 

Harrisonburg VA 22801


Alumnus of Harrisonburg High School and Madison College/James Madison University