Luhn balances dance and track


Sid Tandel

Luhn practices a dance routine

Freshman Elena Luhn is an aspiring dancer who wishes to continue running track while proceeding with her dance career. She first got into dancing when she was six and she told her mom that she wanted to be a dancer, and first started running track in seventh grade.
“I first got into dance because of every six-year-old girl’s dream of putting on a pink little tutu, and as soon as I started dancing I felt really motivated to keep dancing and performing… I didn’t really do sports before so I just tried track in seventh grade and enjoyed running so I decided to keep running.” Luhn said.
Although Luhn enjoys running and doing track, her schedule has been  packed due to track practice, dance rehearsal and homework. She finds managing her time between friends, academics, combined with track and dance practice  difficult yet still possible.
“Doing track and dance has been extremely stressful, and there’s not a lot of time for school… I try to schedule out my time to make my day more organized by scheduling time just for homework and school-related projects, and once I’m done with all school-related things, if I have time, I watch T.V. or hang out with my friends,” Luhn said.
Luhn enjoys track because of the friends she has made and the appropriate setting to run as fast as you can.
“I mainly enjoy track because it’s a good way to get out your energy, and being able to run as fast as you can and get recognition for it is a feeling like no other,” Luhn said.
Luhn enjoys dancing mostly because she likes to be able to show others what she can do on stage and she likes the rush of adrenaline right before a performance.
“Dancing is my passion because it’s a good way to express what’s building up inside you and performing and being on stage is a really good way for you to express your emotion. It’s a really good feeling when you’re able to show off what you can do to your peers as well as your family,” Luhn said.
Luhn has one tip for those struggling with time management.
“To those struggling with time management, stay off your phone and use a calendar to map out your schedule.”