People should consider celebrating ChrisHanuKwanisoka

Ty McDaniel, Staff Reporter

ChrisHanuKwanisoka is a nine day long present joyride that is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Omisoka. You also get a cool Kwanzaa hat that is blue and white with a Jewish star and a Christmas puffball on the top. In 2016 it will start on Dec. 24 and end on Jan. 1.

Christmas is a Christian holiday where multiple presents are usually given to every member of a family. But the presents are under a tree. The tree is decorated with lights and ornaments that are festive and mostly happy. The legend is that one night each year a big man in a big red suit and hat with a white puffball flies around the world on a sleigh being pulled by flying reindeer.

Hanukkah or Chanukkah is a Jewish holiday that is eight days long. For some a present is given and/or received each day, or for some there is a dreidel that is gifted and foods maybe even a coin. It varies, but there is always a candle lit on each day. There are nine total candles with four on each side with a special raised or lowered candle in the middle. The candle in the middle is called the “Shamash” which you use to light each other candle per day or just use for extra light.

Kwanzaa is a seven day long “festival” of sorts mostly celebrated by people of African descendants to appreciate their heritage and traditions. Like Hanukkah, there are candles but there are only seven and they are all even. They are lit one a day until the end, but you do not have to light the others with one that is already lit. There is no present-giving usually, as it is just a celebration of heritage, but gifts can be given if chosen to. There are also hats that are associated with the holiday that are rounded with straps crossing at the top and the hats usually are combination of colors including red, black, green, and/or yellow.

The last part of ChrisHanuKwanisoka is Omisoka. It is basically a Japanese New Year, but it is Celebrated on Dec. 31 to clean people’s slates for a brand new year. The traditions include cleaning your entire house or home, eating a large feast with close family and friends, eating a final meal of toshikoshi-soba which is noodles at 11 p.m., drinking a traditional drink called amazake which is fermented rice with little to no alcohol and ringing giant bells all across Japan at shrines at midnight to symbolize 108 earthly wants that caused human suffering.

All of the information given above bundled up into one super holiday symbolizing that religions should come together is the reason why ChrisHanuKwanisoka should become internationally celebrated because it combines multiple traditions, has good food and can open your mind to other religions.