Free flu shots administered in library

Hannah Miller, Editor-in-Chief

year, every week day. The educational setting of hundreds of sniffling kids makes teachers prime targets for getting sick, and around this time of year, the big threat is the flu. Fortunately, free flu are provided in drug stores, schools and other local areas. Bethany Shifflett was one of the workers that came to the HHS’s library on Thursday, Nov. 3 to administer these vaccines.

“We like to come around to all of the local business and schools because, if you would go to a doctor’s office, you would have to pay a copay to actually come in and get your flu shot. This way, we can come to people so they don’t have to take time out of their day. They can be right at work, or right at school, and just come in; we give it to them for free, and then we submit it to their insurance,” Shifflett said.

Sherrie Morris is a 12 month employee at Thomas Harrison Middle School that appreciated the convenience and timing.

“[Getting the vaccine] is certainly recommended, and with all the contact that we have with students and outside sources, I believe it’s a good idea,” Morris said. “[The shot] takes a couple weeks to really interact, and I feel like flu season really starts [then].”

Liaison David Shenk got his vaccine to hopefully keep his health over the next few months. Other people, though, may avoid getting a flu shot due to skepticism or a feeling of invincibility.

“They think it’s going to make them more sick, or they’re not sure about what’s in the shot, or they think they’re just not going to get the flu and they’ll be okay,” Shenk said.

Even if individuals doubt the effectiveness of a flu vaccine, Shifflett recommends getting it, because the risk of contracting the virus is worse. The flu, often times referred to as influenza, causes all the unwanted symptoms of a common cold, only magnified, causing its victims approximately two weeks of discomfort and unwanted pain.  

“People do get scared about it, a lot of people have heard bad things about it, but to get [the shot] is better than to spend two weeks in the bed, sick as a dog. The flu is not fun when you get it,” Shifflett said. “Sometimes people get sick right after, but it’s not from the flu shot. Everything in the flu shot is inactive, so we do not put a live virus in you. It’s just superstition.”

Carol Eberly gave the injections on site, and stresses the purpose and importance of the procedure.

“The overall reason is so you don’t get the flu, but, I [vindicate] that by saying the flu makes you very sick. It knocks you out for two weeks. You would miss school, you would miss work [and] you feel horrible. Elderly people and young kids can actually die from it,” Eberly said.

Shenk mentions the worst part of the shot is the needle itself, but not anything unfavorable when compared to the flu itself.

“The worst part [is] just the little prick, that’s all. It’s not too bad,” Shenk said.

As flu season stretches on, medical professionals urge you to find the free vaccine somewhere in your community and protect yourself from the infection.