Recognition Gone Wrong

Sako Haji, Staff Reporter

Recently, there was a tragedy that we are all well aware of, the terrorist attacks in Paris. This bombarding of the city of Paris did a lot more than just kill hundreds of people, but it woke up the other nations of this world from oblivion. This awakening made people realize how bad ISIS really is, and the kind of potential they have to hurt innocent people.  Alan Manson once said that, “When you give religious zealots weapons of mass destruction and you promise them that if they kill innocent people they will go to heaven, imagine the consequences”. This is ISIS’ target, and sadly not many people are aware.

Next to 9/11, the attacks in Paris were the most widely publicized terrorist attacks that have been made aware to us. It is very sad how innocent lives were taken on these days, but they are just a few of the many tragedies happening in countries across the world. These are well developed countries who do not go through things like this on a normal day. These people are granted a good life, without fear of losing their family every day or having a bomb thrown into their homes. These countries do not have this kind of weight on their shoulders.

As for the Middle East, tragedies like is happen on the daily, and unfortunately people are too ignorant to recognize that. Currently, there are thousands of of Yazidis and Kurds being killed by ISIS daily. Yet people are so focused and mind-struck by just ONE attack that occurred in Paris, a country that will be capable of recovering and rebuilding itself. But as for the Middle East, they have a long journey ahead of othem. These are the countries that need the most recognition, and also the most help. These are the people who are suffering the most.