“Lazarus Effect” disappoints Gamboa


“Lazarus Effect” premiered on Feb. 27, 2015.

David Gamboa, Staff Photographer

Resurrection, a term that holds limitless possibilities, for all movie types, but scary in particular should outshine all others. When it came to “Lazarus Effect”, the movie had potential and roots for a very good movie, but it just didn’t fall through. The lazarus effect or phenomenon is essentially the resuscitation after at least ten minutes when CPR failed. In the movie a serum to help induce the effect and through a course of events a suppose “scary” movie is procured.

A very predictable movie, “Lazarus Effect” failed to amuse. Due to the anticipated events in the plot, the movie lost ability to scare. During foreseeable parts, the cinematography and movie making was able to make a viewer jump or startle, but due to the anticipation it was to no prevail. In the 21st century, movies are easily available to many people and through that many movie ideas are exhausted and many cliches generated through the years, many cliches that this movie seems to hit and revolve around.

During the whole hour and twenty six minutes, the movie was significantly shorter than big hits like “Avatar” and “Django Unchained”, both going for over two and half hours long. It had no time to develop a good story line and was too rushed to satisfy a viewer.

Big names like Mark Duplass on “The League” and Olivia Wilde, known for her role in movies like “Tron Legacy”, led to the cast of the movie being strong and on individual work, the movie was well cast, but the storyline was just something that could not be saved. Along with other strong cast and crew members, the plot wasn’t able to help. A waste of strong talent in a not so strong movie.

The difficulty of writing, producing and directing a movie, in this day and age is not under looked, and the efforts of the people who worked for this movie and not unappreciated, but not all movies can go number one. This motion picture is nowhere near it. With tinkering, changing and lengthening, “Lazarus Effect” could be a success but a remake would only spell for disappointment as the first try was a disappointment to most.