Spirit Week is a week where students show their school spirit by getting all costumed up and crazy every day. This past spirit week, Monday was Crazy Hat Day, Tuesday was Decades Day, Wednesday was Sophisticated Day, Thursday was Athletic Day, and Friday was Blue and White Day. Our school’s cheerleaders are known for their exceptional involvement in spirit week. They showed their school pride phenomenally.
Senior Sydney Wells has been on the HHS cheerleading team since her freshman year, and has participated in Spirit Week every year. She says she enjoys participating in all the fun days and dressing up.
“[I was most excited for] Friday, which was Blue and White Day, because our cheerleading team made our own shirts for it. It was exciting because we had never done this before, so it was like team bonding and was definitely something to look forward to,” Wells said.
Nancy Carrie Logan is also a senior on our cheerleading team here at HHS, and she loves spirit week. She was also most looking forward to Blue and White Day on Friday.
“Spirit week always gets everyone excited for the game and for homecoming, especially being a cheerleader. It feels like the whole school is getting united with our spirit,” Logan said.
This past Spirit Week the school went all out. We decorated walls and doors every day, and there were contests for the most decorated and prizes for best dressed spirit in each class every day.
“I’m actually pretty surprised at everything the school did for spirit week, with the door and wall decorations and all. It got me excited though; I feel like it just gets everybody that much more pumped up,” Wells said.
Sophomore Nicole Downey is another valuable Blue Streak cheerleader.
“My favorite day was probably Decades Day, because I own a lot of 80’s clothes and I can just go all out,” Downey said.
“I love spirit week, because I love the feeling that our school is coming together with our spirit and getting all excited together,” Downey said.
Homecoming spirit week is a fun-filled week at HHS, and it definitely got our school involved and excited.
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