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Where every person has a story.

HHS Media

Where every person has a story.

HHS Media

Jumana Alsadooon

Jumana Alsadooon, Staff Reporter

Jumana Alsadooon is a freshman and a staff reporter. This is her first year on staff. She is involved in the Governor’s STEM Academy. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Aside from graduating from high school and going to college, one of her biggest goals is to have a job she enjoys after she graduates and find her passion.

All content by Jumana Alsadooon
Sophomore Eli Hermosillo helping out with pulling out the plants.

Sophomore Eli Hermosillo helping out with pulling out the plants.

Preparing the plant trays that the seeds will be placed in.

Preparing the plant trays that the seeds will be placed in.

Junior Kiele Neil standing with Sophomore Eli Hermosillo.

Junior Kiele Neil standing with Sophomore Eli Hermosillo.

Earth Club members working hard together to get the work done faster.

Earth Club members working hard together to get the work done faster.

Members of Earth Club helping out with cleaning the greenhouse and garden.

Members of Earth Club helping out with cleaning the greenhouse and garden.

Members & volunteer placing the seeds carefully in the plants trays.

Members & volunteer placing the seeds carefully in the plants trays.

Students getting the seeds out the brown bags.

Students getting the seeds out the brown bags.

Members hard work.

Members hard work.

Freshman Retaj Samraai helping out.

Freshman Retaj Samraai helping out.

Freshman Retaj Samraai helping members out.

Freshman Retaj Samraai helping members out.

Club sponsor, Trevor Chase, helping students out.

Club sponsor, Trevor Chase, helping students out.

Junior Kiele Neil planting the seeds.

Junior Kiele Neil planting the seeds.

Members almost done with the process of planting the seeds.

Members almost done with the process of planting the seeds.

Students working together.

Students working together.

Earth Club members hard work.

Earth Club members hard work.

Sophomore Lauren McMullen putting dirt in the planting trays, that will be used later.

Sophomore Lauren McMullen putting dirt in the planting trays, that will be used later.

The tomatoes that have been growing inside of the greenhouse.

The tomatoes that have been growing inside of the greenhouse.

Trevor Chase places holes in the middle of the trays.

Trevor Chase places holes in the middle of the trays.

Students carrying the tray that will be used later.

Students carrying the tray that will be used later.

Students using the seeds that have been collected last fall.

Students using the seeds that have been collected last fall.

Sophomore Suramanraa Samraai helping with collecting the grey goldenrod seeds.

Sophomore Suramanraa Samraai helping with collecting the grey goldenrod seeds.

JMU professor helping earth club members with collecting seeds.

JMU professor helping earth club members with collecting seeds.

JMU professors and earth club members collecting seeds together.

JMU professors and earth club members collecting seeds together.

Sophomore Suramanraa Samraai collecting more seeds.

Sophomore Suramanraa Samraai collecting more seeds.

Isaac Matlock explains the different types of seeds that can be collected by the students.

Isaac Matlock explains the different types of seeds that can be collected by the students.

Students getting their bags and selecting the three types of seeds they want to collect.

Students getting their bags and selecting the three types of seeds they want to collect.

CTE teacher Seth Shantz helping with collecting seeds.

CTE teacher Seth Shantz helping with collecting seeds.

Sophomore Mae McClay collecting seeds.

Sophomore Mae McClay collecting seeds.

Sophomore Thomas Bill collecting seeds.

Sophomore Thomas Bill collecting seeds.

Students discussed the methods they are going to use to plant the plants.

Students discussed the methods they are going to use to plant the plants.

A student having a closer look at the plants.

A student having a closer look at the plants.

Students looking around the area.

Students looking around the area.

Earth club members going near the tennis court to see old meadow plants.

Earth club members going near the tennis court to see old meadow plants.

Isaac Matlock talks more about the diversity of plants.

Isaac Matlock talks more about the diversity of plants.

Members of Earth club collecting carrots.

Members of Earth club collecting carrots.

Students collecting more carrots.

Students collecting more carrots.

Guest speaker Isaac Matlock from Clifton Institute came to the earth club meeting to talk more about native seeds.

Guest speaker Isaac Matlock from Clifton Institute came to the earth club meeting to talk more about native seeds.

Trevor Chase and Isaac Matlock looking around at the diversity of plants.

Trevor Chase and Isaac Matlock looking around at the diversity of plants.

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Jumana Alsadooon