This past weekend, JROTC cadets gathered at Bretheran Woods for the Special Missions Camp, a three-day event focused on competition and leadership....

The One Act team performed "Shipwrecked! An Entertainment—The Amazing Adventures of Louis De Rougemont " at the Regional D Tournament at...

Band students from Rockingham County and Harrisonburg City high schools auditioned for the All-City/County Honor Band on Monday, November 18....

About 18 freshman students and 2 teachers went on this year's STEM trip to the Chesapeake Bay. They left late Saturday night and came back early...

The second quarter STEMinar, held November 20, is a big hit with students and parents alike. Also known as "Soup Night," it included...

Katie Grace Schwartz is a sophomore at HHS. Schwartz is a swimmer on the HHS swim team. She has been swimming for 10 years and has had roots...