Opinion: Rob Ford’s political controversy is comical

Rob Ford’s character seem like something straight out of a movie.

Aubtin Heydari, Staff Reporter

At this point, virtually everyone in the Western world has heard about and had a good laugh at the infamous Rob Ford. The Mayor of Toronto has been riddled with controversy since even before his election. His staff and members of the Toronto political class were aware of the “open secret” of his drinking problem. Earlier this year, however, a gossip site and several news sites were offered a video showing the Mayor smoking crack cocaine out of a pipe in a well-lit room. While the authenticity was unable to be established at first, mid-October the Toronto Chief of Police came out with full allegations against the Mayor.

This, however, is just where the shenanigans begin.

 On Nov. 3rd, Ford made vague apologies for “making mistakes” and getting out of control. Two days later, he comes out and finally admits to smoking crack cocaine in one of his “drunken stupors.” It doesn’t end there; videos of him inebriated beyond any sensible level continue to pop up in a variety of contexts, all showcasing a complete lack of self-restraint. The allegations racked up, including everything from drinking and driving, purchasing and using illegal drugs, sexual harassment, public drunkenness, libel, and deliberately obscuring the truth.

After each of these, he comes forth with a moderately pitiful but mostly amusing apology. The most humorous of these were in response to allegations of hiring a prostitute and making sexual advances to a staff member at a St. Patrick’s Day party. His comments, while brief, included what many would consider a far too vivid description of his sex life.

Rob Ford isn’t out of the woods yet, as he continues to make slanderous remarks against others, deny his substance abuse problems, and insist on remaining in office. Not only has he insisted on continuing his municipal obligations, but he has even said he wants to continue his bid for reelection and even his dream of running for prime minister. Nearly all of his Mayoral powers have been transferred to the Deputy Mayor.

Rob Ford has given Canadians and Americans alike a strange insight into a man who is so deluded by his power that he is unable to come to terms fully with his situation. It is like staring into a strange fantasy world of a man who thinks he is invincible.