Senior Adeline McLeod is doing her Senior Capsule project on a flower experiment. She has put much time and effort into trying to get most of this done by March 18th.
“I am doing a project on plants/flowers and the effect of different fertilizers on the plants. Two of those fertilizers come from the worm’s compost,” McLeod said.
She chose to do this project because she wanted to grow flowers. She has three fertilizers and four varieties of Zinnia flowers. Twice a week she adds seven milliliters of fertilizer to the corresponding plants. This is an ongoing project and even though it is a lot, she isn’t doing it alone.
“I am the only student working on this project, I have had assistance from other students at times but I am the primary student working on this project. I have Ms. Miller as my mentor for this project. She has done so much, I could not be doing this without her,” McLeod said
She has also faced challenges along the way. She realized that she did not have as much time as she thought she would. She also had to figure out a way to balance school life and the project.
“I’ve had a few hiccups during this project. I originally had six varieties of Zinnias, and then I ran out of dirt so I could not plant all of them, so I narrowed it down to four. That was one challenge, another one is that I had to apply for a grant. I had to design this experiment myself, write a proposal, submit the proposal for funding, this took a while. Because I didn’t get started on this as soon as I would have liked, I am currently running out of time because I have the science fair this upcoming tuesday.” McLeod said. “I’ve definitely got a couple other big projects coming up that I’m stressing about but this project does take priority for me because it is my STEM senior capstone,”