Even so, Wreck-It Ralph was one of the cutest movies I’ve ever seen. When my friends and I realized there wasn’t anything else playing we thought for sure we’d either fall asleep or leave early, but surprisingly all of us actually enjoyed it.
The plot is set in a video game arcade in which the characters have personalities outside their games and can walk into other games. The star is Wreck-it Ralph, who is the villain in a game called Fix-It Felix Jr. Predictably, he gets tired of being the villain, and wants to be liked by the other members of his game. He thinks the only way he can do this is to win a medal (because only heroes win medals) and bring it back to his game. He goes out in search of this, leaving his game behind, and almost making it be put out of business. Along the way he (again, predictably) realizes that it doesn’t matter how many medals you have, and that it’s what you have inside that counts.
Yeah, it’s pretty cheesy. But what kid’s movie isn’t? And I’m a firm believer in the fact that everyone needs to watch little kid movies sometimes. While it was kind of predictable, the idea was unique, and it was a nice blast from the past. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone.
James • Jan 14, 2013 at 2:21 am
as many people have already said, it was a very cute and good movie. add the computer game references and lovable characters you got another pixar classic
James • Jan 14, 2013 at 2:21 am
as many people have already said, it was a very cute and good movie. add the computer game references and lovable characters you got another pixar classic