Track competes at home meet against Broadway, Spotswood

Wednesday, May 19, the HHS track team competed at a home meet against Broadway High School and Spotswood High School. Freshman Nathaniel Bunn and CJ Hulleman and junior Sophia Yoder were a few of the many students who participated in the meet. 

Bunn ran the 4×800 meter relay race and the 400-meter dash. The boy’s team’s time for the 4×800 meter race was 9:11.62, and they received 2nd place. Bunn took 1:00.78 to run his 400-meter dash. Yoder participated in the long jump, triple jump, 4×100 meter race and 4×400 meter race. The result for Yoder’s long jump was 14-02.50 and the result for her triple jump was 32-10.50. The girl’s team’s time for the 4×100 meter race was 1:06.77 and received 2nd place. The girl’s team’s time for the 4×400 meter race was 4:32.35 and received 2nd place. Hulleman ran the 800-meter race and took 2:19.86 to complete it. 

Bunn thinks that the meet went well. He thinks that he did the best in the 4×800 meter race since he got a new personal record by one second.  

“I think I did the best in the 4×8 because I ran a 2:25 which is a new PR by a second, and I’m happy with that. [I also] ran a 60 second in the 400 meter [race],” Bunn said. 

Some challenges that Bunn faced while running in the meet were the weather and the shoes he was running in. 

“It was really hot [on the day of the meet] so my throat was pretty dry, and I was running in track spikes for the first time [and] I haven’t used them before and that made it a little difficult [to run], but mostly just the heat [was a struggle,]” Bunn said. 

Bunn’s favorite part of the meet was running in the 4×800 meter relay. 

“[My favorite part of the meet was] running the relay. It’s just lots of fun being on a team with other people and competing,” Bunn said. 

Something that Bunn thinks he could have done better at the meet was pacing himself during the 400-meter dash. 

 “I think I could have run the 400 meter [race] a little better because I didn’t quite know how to pace myself, and I did it a little too slow,” Bunn said. 

Yoder also thinks that the meet went well. She thinks that she did the best in her triple jump. 

“[I think the meet went] good. Everyone did really well in their events. [I think I did the best in the] triple jump,” Yoder said. 

Yoder’s biggest challenge in the meet was that her 4×100 meter race was disqualified since she was looking forward to participating in it. 

“Our 4×1 got disqualified, so I’d say not being able to run in that was a little disappointing,” Yoder said. 

Yoder’s favorite part of any meet she participates in is being able to jump. 

“I’d say [my favorite part of the meet was] just getting to jump. That’s always my favorite,” Yoder said. 

Yoder thinks that there can always be room for improvement in meets with practice 

“I think there’s always something I could do better, but that just comes with practicing, so I’ll just work on [anything I could’ve done better] and practice for the next couple of weeks then hopefully do better at the next meet,” Yoder said. 

Hulleman also thinks that the meet went well for him and his teammates. In this meet, he ran the 800-meter race for the first time in two years. 

“[The meet] went pretty well. Personally, I ran the 800 and I haven’t run that in over two years, so I think I did pretty well in that regard. Then as a team, I think we also did pretty well. We had some really great runners this year so it’s nice,” Hulleman said. 

Hullemen got a personal record by over 10 seconds in his 800-meter race. 

“I think [I did good in the 800.] I PRd by over 10 seconds which was nice. There were two heats and I was put in the first heat, so comparatively to them I didn’t do too well, but personally, I was proud of that race,” Hulleman said. 

Hulleman enjoyed running in the race along with watching the meet with his teammates. 

[My favorite part of the meet was] probably either the actual running itself or watching the meet with my teammates,” Hulleman said.