Campise deals with loneliness while isolated
Photo Used With Permission From Ulysses Campise
Freshman Ulysses Campise games on his computer setup. Gaming online with friends helps Campise stay social, even from behind the computer screen.
Ever since the lockdown occurred, many haven’t gotten a chance to spend time with friends like beforehand. While some have had siblings for company, others, like only children, have had to deal with being alone throughout these times. Freshman Ulysses Campise is one of the many students who have had to spend quarantine alone. However, he’s found ways to keep himself entertained.
“[Throughout quarantine,] I’ve enjoyed hanging out with [my] friends online. We’ve played a multitude of games to keep each other company. We’ve played games like Among Us and League of Legends,” Campise said.
Even though he hangs out with his friends online, Campise still feels alone throughout his days since he doesn’t have a sibling.
“When I’m playing with people [or] doing stuff with people it feels like I’m with [everyone,] but when I [log] off, it really feels pretty lonely. It feels like I’m alone, and the only social interaction I have is with my friends, and that’s the only time I feel like I’m hanging out with people,” Campise said.
Campise wishes he had a sibling, but other times, he likes being an only child.
“If I had a sibling, I would have to share [my stuff,] but sometimes I wish I had a sibling that was around my age to keep me company. Being an only child can get lonely sometimes, unless you reach out to your friends. [My friends] aren’t always available, [so] you’re [basically just] alone with your parents. My parents aren’t [also going to] come over and play games with me or watch shows with me [because] they have stuff to do,” Campise said.
Being an only child is both easy and difficult for Campise. He sees good and bad things of being an only child.
“It’s easy in the sense that I don’t have to look after my sibling, but it’s hard [because] sometimes I don’t have anyone to talk to. I’m alone and lonely, and it’s sometimes hard to cope [with my emotions],” Campise said.
Since Campise doesn’t have a sibling to talk to about his emotions, he has found other ways to cope with them.
“I like to cope with my emotions by talking to people on the internet, but if that’s not always available, I like to do what I enjoy [which is] gaming and watching anime. [These things help me] forget about what’s going on which is why [they’re] important to me,” Campise said.
Campise has found benefits of being an only child during quarantine which has helped him and his family move forward.
“My parents don’t have to spend as much money [on another kid. I] also don’t have to keep my distance from another person in the house [because] there’s not a fourth person in the house to deal with,” Campise said.

While being an only child may have some good benefits on families during quarantine, there are also downsides which Campise has gone throughout this time.
“I have nobody to talk to. I can’t go outside and talk to people or else I’d be putting [others] in danger,” Campise said.
Going through this experience, Campise has learned a valuable lesson of being an only child.
“I’ve learned that money is [really] important. My parents [haven’t] always had the most money during quarantine, [so] we’re sometimes short on cash. I’m thankful that we [haven’t had to struggle] unlike some other people who have struggled and [lost] their jobs,” Campise said.
Overall, Campise has also learned some other lessons that will benefit him in life.
“I’ve learned to be alone [and how to] deal with being alone and not having anyone around. Even though I love being social and talking to people, I’ve had to learn that I really can’t talk to people sometimes,” Campise said.
Quarantine has had a big impact on Campise and he feels like his connection with his father has worsened because of it.
“My father works a lot; he’s a piano tuner. He’s out hours a day turning pianos [and] making money for the household. We talk when we can, but we don’t always get the opportunity to [do so.] It’s only a few hours a day that I have a window to talk to him,” Campise said.
On the other hand, Campise’s connection with his mother has bettered throughout quarantine.
“I can really see how much my mother cares for me. She wants me to stay safe because neither of us have caught [COVID.] She’s been encouraging me that we’re going to get through [this], and it’s pretty nice of her,” Campise said.
Quarantine has also impacted Campise’s mental health since he’s been alone throughout most of it.
“It has put a mental stress on me because I’m unable to talk to people and let go and let loose. I’m always bashed with [so much] school work over and over [again.] Sometimes I need a break and I need to talk to people, but I’m just not able to,” Campise said.
Campise can’t wait for quarantine to be over so that he can go to China again with his mother and reconnect with his family over there.
“[My mother and I] travel to China every other year. I mostly hang out with my family in China [when I’m over there.] It’s a lot of fun hanging out in China because it’s a lot different from here. Where my family lives in China it’s a city, and we go out and eat and we watch movies together,” Campise said.
Campise feels less lonely when he’s in China compared to here.
“When I’m [in Virgina,] I have my own room and everything. In China, I’m with my family 24 hours a day, so I always feel more connected to people in China because [I] have a lot more family. People around China are a lot more friendly too,” Campise said.
Once quarantine is over, Campise can’t wait to go outside and reconnect with his friends and family.
“I want to go outside in the [United States.] It’s been too long since I’ve [been out.] I’ve only been out [during] quarantine a total of three times, but I’ll be looking forward to going to China once this is all over. I do miss [my family over there] a lot,” Campise said.