Class of 2020 and 2021 Senior Wills

May 30, 2021

Senior wills is an annual tradition for each graduating class. Seniors can write wills dedicating memories and objects to their classmates, teachers and others. Read below the senior wills of some seniors, as well as their experiences during high school and more. A video compilation has been made as well as a playlist of other seniors saying their goodbyes. Farewell, Class of 2020 and Class of 2021.

Mer Alsendi

What are your plans for after graduation?

[I plan to attend] James Madison University.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Taking harder classes made my other classes feel much easier.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Eric Morris, taught me different ways to view [and] analyze problems and [how to] solve them.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Have fun and experiment with different activities. Consistency is a good trait, but curiosity is a virtue.

What song best defines you?

“Naki” by Adnan Karim (Kurdish).

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Spanish 3 with Mr. Frongia because I would speak in Italian (his first language) during Spanish class and he would get confused.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to paint with your tears.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Hiding half of my face with a mask.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?

General Surgeon.

Senior Will: 

I, Mer Alsendi, being of average mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Anna Koubek I leave my copic markers addiction.

To Karen Calixto, I leave my kaka drawings.

To Lana Ali, I leave my Reese’s peanut butter cups.

To Daniela Reyes, I leave my Vegan food ( she’s vegan).

To Korry Sochacki, I leave my Martin’s punch code.

Blanca Diaz

What are your plans for after graduation?

Work and get marriage

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

The best thing was that now I know more English

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

I think all of my teachers because if it was it for them I would it be graduating this year

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

To never give up and always work for what they want even if the things look hard

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

JROTC because it makes you focus in what you want

Describe yourself in ONE word.


What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

For me it was that I spend more time with my family

What did you want to be when you were little?

I wanted to be a police officer

What do you want to be now?

Now I want to be a chef

Abby Mendoza

What are your plans for after graduation?

Transfer Program: Attending Blue Ridge Community College, majoring in History, then transferring to James Madison University and majoring in Secondary Education.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Being able to forgive myself for messing up my plans, relationships not working out; learning that beating myself up gets me absolutely nowhere. It sounds simple but when you look at it, it took me all four years to learn that you can’t stop your life when you get to a bump in the road. You have to keep going.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Tibbles made me realize I wanted to become a teacher. She puts her students first. She listens and understands when her students want to be heard. She never gave up on me. Each time I would mess up, she’d help me get back up and try again. She made me want to get up and go to school each day. Junior was one of the hardest years emotionally for me. She was there for me in moments when I felt so alone. She cared about my feelings. I will always remember being in her classes and the moments we shared.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Some friendships don’t last forever and that’s okay. It will hurt at first but then you’ll find your group. When you do, you’ll make memories that will last a lifetime.

What song best defines you?

I’m a mixtape. Picking just one would be a crime.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class I took was choir. I grew a strong bond with Ms. Houff and my camerata girls. We were there for each other, we grew to understand one another and built a level of trust I’ve never had with anyone other than them. I will look back at our memories and wish we could have had more time together. Singing and talking.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to talk your ear off.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Finding strength in moments I never thought possible.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A veterinarian or a teacher.

What do you want to be now?

A history teacher.

Senior Will: 

I, Abby Mendoza, being of audacious mind and curvaceous body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Dara Martin, I leave karaoke car rides, Target trips, and hour long FaceTimes.

To Ms. Houff, I leave classes filled with laughter, trust, and passion. To Ms. Gingras, I leave the best fifth block class.

To Mr. Healy and Mr. Rice, I leave Cesar and I’s countless questions, terrible answers, and endless talking.

To Mrs. Bowman, I leave essays written the day of exams and perfect scores.

To Ms. Fisher, I leave the absolute best conversations in place of classwork.

To Mrs. Johnson, I leave ideas of creating podcasts, disappearing for a week (or two), Phoebe Judge and her ever so soothing voice, and my brilliance.

To the library, I leave the greatest escape, tearful moments, and terrible reception.

To the bathrooms, I leave one too many moments of panic.

To the halls, I leave bleeding music from my earbuds, death stares, chisme, crying, laughter, and all my favorite memories.

To Oziel Valdez, I leave endless Sim’s discussions, the absolute best FaceTime calls, juicy gossip, crazy families, Grey’s, Taco Bell runs, half time food trips, football chants, Walmart shopping, midnight adventures, hectic schedules, gringas (yikes), interrupting stories, more chisme, and knowing I have a life long best friend. (you better not cross me in a month)

Aidan Perkins

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will attend Virginia Tech! Go Hokies!

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

The greatest learning experience I had was during the annual STEM camp fire. We always would be doing hands-on work outside which allowed me to really understand the content we were learning about.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Shantz was always so kind to me and he encouraged me to try my hardest when it came to completing projects and assignments.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Avoid the taquitos served at lunch.

What song best defines you?

Rainy Street – Blue in Green.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class was definitely AP European History with Mr. Healy. He was so engaged with his students that it made me really want to learn more and more everyday as I stepped into his class.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to wear Vans to school.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Quarantine in general has allowed me to put myself as priority when it comes to taking care of my mental and physical health. It also has allowed me to change my typical routine and to try new things.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A scientist.

What do you want to be now?

Someone who will be successful.

Senior Will: 

I, Aidan Perkins, being of calm mind and lazy body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Evan Bert, Dylan Burnette, and Joshua Engle, I leave you a handful of underclassmen to tear it up with on the field next year. I know you guys will do great things later on.

To Sophia Yoder, I leave our endless conversations about Country Music and why you NEED to give it a try. Thank you for everything you have done from me.

To Jordan Perez, I leave you to deal with Sophia. Good luck.

To the one freshmen, I leave my locker that I never used.

To the entirety of my favorite HHS teachers, I leave you my thanks for all that you have done for me and my classmates. Your teachings have helped influenced my future and I am beyond thankful for these last 4 years.

To my various coaches throughout the year, I leave you my gratitude for giving me the experiences and memories.

To all other underclassmen I have grown to know, I leave you the advice to enjoy your Senior year no matter what happens.

Sabrina Randle

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending the Sentara RMH Phlebotomy program to become a certified Phlebotomist.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Being your truest you. You’re supposed to live your life loving who you want and doing the things you love. No ones opinion matters but yours at the end of the day, as long as you’re genuinely happy don’t let anyone stop you. Your life and worth matters, regardless of what others think.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mary Strickler has been in my life since freshman year, from Yearbook to my English teacher she has been someone I could rely on no matter what. She was more than a teacher, she checked on you and made sure you had everything you needed. She’s supported me and my goals which has made me eternally grateful. She’s seen me grow from a freshman to senior, not only through a personally level but through my writing as well. I’ve been honored to call her my 2nd mother. She’s taught me that others are willing to help beyond class assignments.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Time will quickly pass by, it’s cliché but it will. Throughout high school find yourself, grow as a person and find activities or subjects you’re passionate about. Don’t let others change the way you think or dictate how you feel.

What song best defines you?

Out of my 1,000 song playlists “You Need To Calm Down” by Taylor Swift is a song I can strongly relate to on a passionate level. The song consists of lyrics supporting the LGBTQ+ Community. LGBTQ+ rights are one of my many passions. I support the Community because it’s full of beautiful and inspirational souls I love to watch grow.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class of high school is definitely ‘Introduction to Healthcare’ as an individual wanting to have a career in the healthcare field this class gave in depth subjects to learn and understand.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to spread self love and confidence one person at a time.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

I learned there is definitely a spot for me in the healthcare field to help others, something I’ve always been passionate about. I’ve also learned to take risks, you never know when you could be locked up for quarantine.

What did you want to be when you were little?

I wanted to open my own restaurant featuring different ethnic food from across the world every week. Along with my own front end bakery featuring many desserts to satisfy ‘sweet tooth’ customers. Yet, before anything I’ve always wanted to open a better quality homeless shelter with amazing opportunities for each individual, helping others is what humanity is all about.

What do you want to be now?

I want to be a Phlebotomist and venture on to other healthcare opportunities.

Senior Will: 

I, Sabrina Randle, being of creative mind and beautiful body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Andrea Holguin, I leave my ability to find positivity and love in everything.

To Alex Sorto, I leave my overthinking and indecisiveness.

Sydney Shaver

What are your plans for after graduation?

I am attending James Madison University as a dance major and possibly a digital marketing major as well!

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Throughout high school, I’ve learned that prioritizing yourself needs to be a priority. You cannot give 100% percent to assignments, extra curriculars, other people in your life, etc. if your aren’t a happy and whole individual first.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Amber Corriston has had the greatest impact on my education and growth as a person throughout high school. She pushes me to challenge myself, holds me accountable, and the connection that we have created is the most meaningful bond that I have ever had with a teacher. I will miss her greatly after I graduate!

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Take ownership of opportunities!!! HHS offers so many clubs, events, workshops, etc. to its students and there is so much opportunity for growth and meeting new people!

What song best defines you?

Lip Gloss by Lil Mama

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class was Algebra 2 with Mrs. Tibbles! She created a fun environment in her classroom and taught math in a way that I could understand well.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

“Most likely to be on a reality TV show”

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Through COVID-19, I have learned a lot about self appreciation and the importance of enjoying your own company.

What did you want to be when you were little?

When I was little, I wanted to be a meteorologist!

What do you want to be now?

I want to be a professional dancer and/or run social media accounts for large businesses.

Senior Will: 

I, Sydney Shaver, being of witty mind and energetic body, do hereby bequeath the following items: To Maia Wagler and Zoelle Bleazard, I leave Mrs. Corriston and **hopefully** the privilege of being next year’s CCREW co-presidents. To Ella Young and Linnea Siderhurst, I leave Cece and I’s dynamic of being the organized one (Linnea) and the IDGAF one (Ella), another year of hip-hop with Jana, and many, MANY article reviews to come. To Laura Gonzalez Dutor, Ella Young, Linnea Siderhurst, Mia Stewart, Olivia King, Wendy Estrada, London Bennetch, and Zoelle Bleazard, I leave lots of parking garage rehearsals and the two year process that was TRNDSTTER. To Ava Rath, I leave summer gym and self piercings. To Mia Stewart, I leave the smiles and laughs you gave me in dance when I felt that I couldn’t get through this year. To Matt Schaeffer, I leave Algebra 2 with Tibbles. To Abby Fornadel, I leave a middle school friendship that I wish blossomed into a high school one. To Tylor Brino-Dean, I leave my feisty attitude and unspoken beef. To Toby Corriston, Owen Wells, and Trevor Inouye, I leave being the goofiest Corny Collins Kids there ever were. To Annie Poirot, I leave being my favorite of my sister’s friends and Delaney… look out for her in high school. To Delaney Shaver, I leave unlocking the door for me late at night, long car rides into town, what used to be Charlie, LOTS of chores, and handling Deb when I leave. I love you all! You are going to kill it these next years of high school!

Javion Green

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attending JMU and becoming a dance major and minor in theatre. I plan to become a dancer and actor.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Being a part of the musical Hairspray taught me to embrace both sides of my ethnicity.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Gibson because he’s the one that brought me out of my shell and made me comfortable with who I am now.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

High school isn’t about status or trying to be popular. Enjoy the time you have and make the most of it, cause it flies by VERY fast. P.S don’t give up on a crush cause you never know when it can actually work out 😉

What song best defines you?

Body by Megan Thee Stallion

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Dance because that’s where I met all the friends I have now and where I became myself.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to end up on the news (take that how you want)

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

My ability to keep and, for some, strengthen my connection with the people I care about the most.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An Actor

What do you want to be now?


Senior Will: 

I, Javion Green being of confusing mind and stick-built body, do hereby bequeath the following items:
To Sonya Veronica Vasquez, I leave the lunch table where we had our first encounter and the start of our never ending friendship and I leave the competition bus rides where we annoyed every single person on the bus because we were too loud.
To Kate Nichols, I leave the dance stage and I pass on my energy and hope you can make dance as chaotic as I did.
To Isabella Guzman, I leave the quince practices and sleepovers with Sonya.
To Luna (Wren) Amaya, I leave a very BIG thank you for being my assistant during colorguard. Your payment will come through the mail in about… never 🙂
To Laura Gonzalez Dutor, I leave the powerful energy that we gave off every time we danced together.
To Olivia King, I leave our amazing relationship in Hairspray.
To the entire dance family, thank you for making me feel welcomed and loved.

Michaela Brino-Dean

What are your plans for after graduation?

I’m going to college at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

The stress of sophomore year where I learned to take care of myself.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Ms. Houff (and I’m sure she knows this since I remind her every opportunity I get;) And Ms. Johnson are both teachers that I look up to and are role models for the confident and accomplished woman I want to become.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year? 

Don’t take any moment for granted.

What song best defines you? 

50 ft. by Lauren Jauregui.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class was my Psychology class with Mr. Healy, he is an amazing teacher and [I] love the topic.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to travel the world and best friend group.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

The best thing that come out of this pandemic was getting closer with my sister, loving myself even more and realizing who was important in my life.

What did you want to be when you were little?

The first person to be in the Olympics for both snowboarding and gymnastics.

What do you want to be now?

Someone who helps people who face injustice against them.

Senior Will:

I, Michaela Brino-Dean being of powerful mind and strong body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Sydney Shaver, I leave my uncontrollable laughing, spontaneous plans, the confidence we share, my longest friendship and the magnolia’s fam.

To Cecelia Thomas, I leave my identical brain, new music, being fashion icons, and the beautiful advice you’ve given me. I’m so proud of you.

To Anna Tieszen, I leave being my uber driver, cute texts, visiting me at work, going to all hhs events and being a great 2nd mom. Thank you for always being there for me.

To my kiddos, I leave road trips to syds house, scream singing, cookout, date nights, homecoming themes, football games, 5 years of us, binge watching twilight, greys anatomy, and game night. I can’t wait to watch how your lives turn out.

To Dara, I leave my last musical experience in Hairspray, choir talks, and Mr. Burgess’s Econ class.

To Ashley, I leave your amazing instagram compliments and you being an amazing hype woman. You are going to do amazing things!

To Tylor, I leave Athena, gossip girl and mom and dads car. You’re welcome.

To my Choir Class, I leave our therapy sessions.

To Nissi, I leave your infectious smile and one of my longest friendships. Thank you for always checking in.

Keysi Ayala Delgado

What are your plans for after graduation?


What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?


What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Morris made a real difference in my education because he isn’t like other teachers that get annoyed when you ask him something over and over again. He wants all his students to learn things and can tell that he has a lot of patience with his students.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Your freshman year matters and a lot. Do your best in everything you do and enjoy those 4 years in high school because before you know you’ll be up on that stage graduating.

What song best defines you?

To be honest I don’t know.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Spanish class with Mr. Garcia because he made class fun.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Time to work and find myself.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?


Sid Tandel

What are your plans for after graduation?


What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Valerie Kibler. Kibler helped me so much throughout high school and was my Newsstreak advisor all four years. She wrote my college recommendations and never fails to make fun of me in front of the whole class. I can’t thank her enough for the friendships and relationships I’ve made through Newsstreak.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Develop study habits early.

What song best defines you?

The way life goes – Lil Uzi

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Mrs. Gingras’ 10th grade English class stands to this day as one of the most fun classes I’ve taken at HHS and it makes me extremely sad to see I wasn’t able to TA for her this year. Mrs. Gingras always knew how to put a smile on my face by giving me a hard time about something I was stressed about or an answer I would get wrong and she’d play it off as a joke which I was appreciative of.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to get hit by a tennis ball.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Through COVID-19 and quarantine in general I strengthened many friendships I had prior but I can safely say that the relationships I’ve built over the past year and couple months are ones I’ll remember for life.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?

Computer scientist.

Senior Will: 

I, Sid Tandel being of semi-functional mind and pretty able body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To James Huntley, I leave countless memories staying up till 6 a.m. over the summer. T

o Arjun Kunver, I leave my love for his butter chicken.

To Corey Beshoar, I leave my appreciation of the knowledge he’s shared with me over the past two years.

To Keenan Glago, I leave my cheddar.

Holly Bill

What are your plans for after graduation?

I’m going to the University of Notre Dame.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

My junior year swim season. I really learned that you get out of sports what you put into them. Hard work pays off, especially when it comes to swimming!!

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Oh Mrs. Kibler. Thanks for pushing me so hard. I would not be the student, worker, writer, and even leader that I am today without you.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Don’t let high school stress you out too much. Keep up with your classes, but don’t overwork yourself. High school is supposed to be fun, but it’s only fun if you make it fun!!

What song best defines you?

Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

AP Euro/Psych with Healy!! Definitely all-around favorites, but I can truly say that those classes were two of the highlights of my high school experience. I may be the only one to say this, but because of Healy, I genuinely enjoyed reading the Euro textbook and filling out the study guides. Healy turned European History into one giant narrative story, and I came into both that class and Psych every day excited to learn. The study habits and life advice I’ve learned from Healy have definitely shaped me both as a student and as a person. Also, those days after AP testing when we ate waffles and J’s bagels are some of my core memories from all of high school.

AP Calc with Mr. Wilson and STEM Innovations with Mr. Shantz are honorable mentions.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to be eating handheld applesauce

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?


What did you want to be when you were little?

A Disney Princess.

What do you want to be now?

A Disney Princess.

Senior Will: 

I, Holly Bill, being of burned out mind and lackadaisical body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Brigid Banks, I leave my remaining sunshine and cheeriness, even though you don’t need it. In fact, I need your sunshine and cheeriness. You brighten my day every day. I also leave 800 thresholds, sideways high knees, @hhs_girls_xc, THE JAMMYPACK, and shin splints.

To Kim Portillo, I leave stoichiometry.

To Tylor Brino-Dean, I leave the endless sidewalk to THMS and slippery 40 minute runs on the golf course. You inspire me, and I’m going to miss my running buddy.

To Annie Poirot, I leave longgggggg minivan rides, the hills and barbecue at Oatlands Plantation, and tying your timing chips before your race. You have such a bright future ahead of you :,)

To Abby Vance, Lena, Abby Kauffman, and all the xc/distance track girls, I leave weight room playlists, that muddy soccer field below the track, snowy workouts, THMS’ hills, karaokA, Under Armour Sports Masks, Walter Green, and failed tie-dye. I can’t wait to see all of your success next year.

To the boys distance team, I leave country music, especially Taylor Swift country.

To Maya, Rachel, Lucia, and Mallory, I leave Google Docs, patience with InDesign, the spinny chairs in the corner of the room, Anaheim, and any motivation I have left. You all are seniors now! You’re in the home stretch; you can do it.

To Kate Kirwan, I leave Tropical Smoothie runs, Camp Varsity (and open showers), friendship bracelets, Lifeteen, Anthem Lights, Hope/George, The Git Up, Dr. Pepper, @hhs_girls_xc, lots and lots of boy drama, THE JAMMYPACK, yummy Cheez-Its, and the key to my dorm room at ND. You are always welcome, and I’m going to miss you dearly next year.

To ALL of the teachers/coaches at HHS, I leave my thanks. It is 10000% evident that you all truly care about your students/athletes, and I appreciate all of the hard work you have put in for me and all of my classmates/teammates these past four years. I especially give my thanks to Ms. Short, Mr. Cosner, Ms. Francis, Mrs. Kibler, Mr. Blosser, Mr. Shantz, Ms. Oakes, Mr. Bair, Mr. Healy, Mr. Burgess, Ms. Gingras, Mr. Estes, Mr. Sneller, Dr. Shank, Mr. Blair, Mr. Berkeley, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Bowman, Mr. Goble, Mr. Yutzy, Mrs. Hook, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Tueting, Mrs. Smith, Coach Denlinger, Coach MJ, Coach Hertzler, and Coach Morrell.

Katelyn Stoner

What are your plans for after graduation?

I’m going to JMU.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

I learned that failure is okay and will help you to improve in the future.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Blosser made a real difference in my education. Mr. Blosser treats his students with respect because of the potential he knows they have to be successful.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Don’t forget to have fun and get out of your comfort zone.

What song best defines you?

Send Me on My Way

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class was camerata choir because of the community of friends made throughout the years.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to be remembered by last name

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

I was able to spend more time with my family and I got my first job.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A doctor

What do you want to be now?

A nurse

Senior Will: 

“I, Katelyn Stoner being of patient mind and petite body, do hereby bequeath the following items: To Benjamin Stoner, I leave The best chrome book, to Molly Moomaw, I leave camerata choir, and Natalie Katykhin, I leave answer keys for all tests

Stella Alexiou

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attend the University of Virginia.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Forcing myself to take classes out of my comfort zone, like debate, engineering, and MRGS.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Aaron Cosner has always shown me what it means to treat others with kindness and constantly question the way I see things. I’m grateful for his guidance, it truly has changed the way I have lived.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Go out of your comfort zone! Join debate and MUN!! Meet as many people as you can and have fun.

What song best defines you?

Castaways- Backyardigans.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

No class forced me to learn more perspectives and constantly grow my way of thinking more than Debate.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to talk your ear off.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

A couple of piercings.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A painter/artist.

What do you want to be now?

Work in public health.

Senior Will:

I, Stella Alexiou being of melancholic mind and energetic body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Anish and Niranjan Aradhey, I leave Mr. Lyon and his many, thrilling stories, Mrs. Lyon and her kind words, and the potential for greatness throughout your lives. Niranjan, you have always been so brilliant. Listen to Thomas occasionally, but know that all of your ideas are incredible and anything that you put your mind to, you can create. Anish, words cannot describe how much you mean to me. Continue with MUN, Debate, and TSA. You thrive in whatever you do. Find what you love and pursue it. And both of you, please don’t forget to have fun.

To Marley Falls and Ellie Velker, I leave you any clothes that you want to take from my closet (although you both have better taste than me) and leftover lemonade drinks (@ Marley). Take care of Sophia for me.

To Braeden McGrath, I leave you the many snacks we ate during volunteering. Your family means the world to me, and you are no different. I’ll always be there to help you if you need me.

To Arjun Kunver, I leave my hope that you finally find happiness as well as hope that you remove me from your private story. I also leave you all of my love.

To Kate Kirwan, I leave many debate tournaments with Mr. Cosner and the state LD/PF title. You are an incredible debator and I can’t wait to see where next year takes you.

To Jeslyn Liu, I leave Mrs. Knupp and her snarky sense of humor, many nights helping you with college apps, and the burden of being one of the coolest people I know. You’re a prodigy, don’t forget that.

To Micah Tongen, I leave many swim practices with Morrell and reassurance that you’re going to great in whatever you end up doing.

To Jordan Perez, I leave a UVA acceptance letter. You got it. I’ll see you there in two years 🙂

To the gov school juniors (Micah, Luke, Matt, Jordan, Jeslyn, Jill, Kate), while we weren’t able to have class together in person, I leave endless conversations about rocks with Mr. Kohrs, two more term papers with Mrs. Moyers, calculus with Mrs. Klus, kind hugs from Mrs. Bates, and the best advice possible from Mrs. Fream. The teachers there are incredible, treat them well and make many memories.

To Kim Portillo, I leave a peace of mind knowing that you are incredibly smart, strong, and capable of achieving whatever you put your mind to.

To Henry Matter, Lena Fulton-Wright, Ilana Mattson, and the rest of the MUN team, I leave many delegate dances, memes in the group chat, goofy bus rides with Yoder, and the indisputable knowledge that just because a nova boy thinks he’s better than you, doesn’t mean he is. Y’all mean the world to me and I’m grateful I had the opportunity to coach with y’all this year. I can’t wait to see where y’all end up.

To Adam Van Wyk, I leave endless backroads in Mennonite Country to help ease any of your struggles, my sad playlists, Michael’s adventures, and the responsibility of being Sophia’s taxicab from now on.

To my sister, Sophia, I leave many nights of doing the dishes alone, the cat, my old AP notes, and my closet (although you tend to steal everything anyways). I would leave the keys to the Honda with you, but you still don’t have your permit. You’re going to need it when I’m away. You’ve always been much smarter than me, so put that brain to use, and please go out of your room and make tons of memories. As a final remark, just remember that while I may be leaving you, I never am further than a phone call and a short drive away.

Amira Lucas

What are your plans for after graduation?

Old Dominion University. 

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Stem camping trip.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Beppler, his class was the best/ most fun class I had ever had! He was such an amazing teacher who cares for his students.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Be yourself, do what’s best for yourself, and don’t get caught up in all the drama, it’s not worth it.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Weightlifting because it was a chance to exercise and show the boys that girl can lift as much/ heavier than they can.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Best defender at HHS.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Figuring out how to love myself and how to spend a lot of time by myself.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A vet.

What do you want to be now?


Senior Will: 

I, Amira Lucas, being of tired mind and bruised body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Abby Fornadel I leave my position as center back.

To Mallory Knupp I leave my cat Leafy.

To Gali Santiago I leave my captain’s band.

Cecelia Thomas

What are your plans for after graduation?

University of Virginia.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Learning about how to prioritize the things that are truly important to me, mostly through trial and error.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Ms. Corriston! I always felt so safe in her classroom and she built a fantastic community of dancers.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Don’t make school harder than it needs to be and spend time with the people you care about as much as possible.

What song best defines you?

Clair de Lune by Debussy

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Environmental Science! Science was my least favorite subject before taking this class, and it taught me to be more curious about the world around me and how my actions make an impact.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to become a polyglot (I hope).

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

More time with myself, friends, and family.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A teacher.

What do you want to be now?

An interpreter.

Senior Will: 

I, Cecelia Thomas being of incandescent mind and even more incandescent body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Yairyn Gallardo, Anish Ahradley, & Abigail Kauffman, I leave Señor García and his “tuki tuki”

To Toby Corriston, I leave our mother/son relationship and long hours of outdoor filming in the snow

To Lena Blagg, I leave Asbury youth group <3.

To Azalea Twining, I leave long choir chats and the entire Fine Arts Academy.

To Ellie Velker, I leave the alto section.

To Zoelle Bleazard & Maia Wagler, I leave CCrew! (no stress but take good care of it).

To Mia Stewart, I leave coffee during Eva’s ballet class.

To Ella Young & Linnea Siderhurst, I leave long hours and late nights at the Dance & Co. studio.

Hayden Kirwan

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to attend the University of Notre Dame.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Remember to have fun learning! If you work hard and are engaged in the content you are learning, the grade will come naturally.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

I learned how to figure out a schedule/goals for the day and stick to them.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?

High school or college level teacher.

Senior Will:

I, Hayden Kirwan being of adaptive mind and running body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Kate Kirwan, I leave the van, finding the right station to make the aux work, NPR in the car, geology assignments, physics homework, taking the same APs, and Governor’s School bus rides.

To Clare Kirwan, I leave spikeball after school, SNL and The Office at lunch, C-SPAN, my good taste in music, bothering you while you do homework, and hopefully not the van.

To the Boys Cross Country and Track Teams, I leave the golf ball, that one 8×300 workout, the evac run, the “third set” of weights and core, snow cones, striders (not strides), too much food at meets, and most importantly, the greatest track event of all time: the two-mile (“sixteen laps of fun”).

To the Debate Team, I leave waiting for ShenVAFL results, going for walks at tournaments, being scared of TJ, riding in incredibly nice rental cars, the quote list, evidence cards, and the couch in Mr. Cosner’s room.

Emma Lankford

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending the College of William & Mary.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

My greatest learning experience in high school was my research project that I conducted during my time at Massanutten Regional Governor’s School, as it heavily influenced my choice in major and idea for future career.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Cosner was a huge part of my educational experience at Harrisonburg High School because, as my debate coach, he encouraged my to see different sides of issues to get a better perspective. Also, his constant support was invaluable to me.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

I would advise that freshmen take a lot of different classes that interest them, because you never know what you will end up liking. Then, if you do find something you like, you can join similar clubs and classes. Always explore all of the options available to you!

What song best defines you?

The Phineas and Ferb theme song.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

AP Psychology was my favorite because it was very interesting and different from many of the other subjects and classes I usually take. Also, Healy is the best. 🙂

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to own a hoard of cats at age 80.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

I had time to watch “Avatar the Last Airbender” three times consecutively.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?


Senior Will: 

I, Emma Lankford being of curious mind and clumsy body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Anish Aradhey, I leave the chaos of Envirothon, countless tree and insect identifications, deer jaws, and a whole lot of luck because you’re the only one left.

To Abby Fornadel, I leave swag bags, scrambling for questions to ask unprepared speakers, and the special events committee.

To Sophia Yoder, I leave confusing STEM meetings, ~lovely~ t-shirt designs, and the responsibility of maintaining the executive board GroupMe in all its glory.

To Sam Rooker, I leave the official TSA bylaws, hope of an in-person Technosphere, and wishes for all the best as State Historian.

To Kim Portillo, I leave waiting for debate rounds, sightings on bike rides, and all the book recommendations you could ask for.

To Kate Kirwan, I leave plant shopping and the Harrisonburg Plant Exchange, Free Fridays, skipping swim practice for Slurpees, a crippling Dr. Pepper addiction, a brand new research project, hopes for a killer VHSL debate run, and the promise of never forgetting that you are the Salamander Slayer.

To Sophia Alexiou, I leave hours upon hours of Breath of the Wild, a plethora of tik toks, 7-Eleven runs, broken bluetooth speakers, oddly specific playlists, Miraculous (yea), every single one of my cats, my nunchuck and motion plus, way too many wax seals, pig pen code, a wheel of Camembert, and very, very burnt macarons.

Carlo Mehegan

What are your plans for after graduation?

The college of William & Mary, computer science major.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

HHS’ extensive computer science program.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Stapleton; His classes have let me explore different facets of Computer Science and improve my programming skills.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  


What song best defines you?

Among Us In Real Life.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Not a class, but robotics is the closest to a real world programming experience that you can get at HHS.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Best teamwork and synergy / most likely to hack the pentagon ?lol!

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

When everyone is online, it’s easier to quickly set up meetings and talk to people. Also I learned how to solve rubix cubes

What do you want to be now?

Software Engineer.

Senior Will:

I, Carlo Mehegan, being of teamworking mind and synergistic body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Luke Tao, I leave game jam mentoring.

To Ryan Quimby, I leave among us phone numbers.

To my sisters, I leave Buster.

To Anish Aradhey, I leave Prometheus’ mind.

To Niranjan Aradhey, I leave Prometheus’ body.

Mia Constantin

What are your plans for after graduation?

Carnegie Mellon University

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

In my AP Biology class I learned so much I still reference today. I also learned that it’s better to go straight to the source instead of listening to other describing the source.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Bair and Mrs. Bowman, they believed in me and supported my educational dreams.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Take advantage of the wonderful teachers you’ll have here, and DO NOT leave work from school to do at home, just do it.

What song best defines you?

Yellow by Coldplay.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Either STEM innovations or DE Engineering because I got to study my favorite subject.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to design your next iPhone.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Teaching my dog how to surf.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?


Senior Will: 

I, Mia Constantin, being of tired mind and strong body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To the HHS swim team, I leave Wendy’s trips, leaving Liam behind, The boys team is the best, and a strong legacy, you guys got this.

To Noah Gabriele, I leave jokes during high school practice, constant questions about how hard a class is (someone is going to start asking you those now), complaining about homework, STEM engineering, and our States legacy, I know you can win it all one day.

To Millie Gorby, I leave improving times, wonderful new high school swimming memories, and a team without Maddie and me, I know you’ll do amazing.

To Tessa Gorby, I leave being the newest member on the high school swim team, beating everybody you race, and hopefully making it to states your first year of high school, I know you have it in you.

To Layla Seefried, I leave the relay that never was, 200 IMs, and team socials.

To the Newsstreak Staff, I leave crazy trips to conventions, Room 444, what happens in _____ stays in _____, getting tired of everyone by the time you come home, publishing an award winning newspaper, giving that award winning newspaper to HHS students in the morning only to find them in the trash the next day, getting many more Best of SNO’s, writing such impactful stories people come up to you in the halls and ask about them, and finally the joy of seeing all of your hard work published, I know you guys will continue to make the Newsstreak the best darn student newspaper the world has ever seen.

To Maya Waid, I leave boundaries, my work ethic from junior year, may it help you get through senior year as an editor in chief, the knowledge that I’m just a text away if you ever need any help with college applications, life, or Newsstreak, the hardest working person I have ever seen in a pandemic, the Editor’s chairs in the corner of the Newsstreak room, and the fun of being an editor in chief, seriously you are going to do amazing.

To Lucia Gabel, I leave Jonah, mentoring the best staff for next year, meetings that are hard to schedule, editing the entire newspaper so much you don’t even want to read it once it comes out, the many snacks and fun times in Room 444, The editing chair in the corner (it’s the only place you’ll be able to get any design work done during class), the knowledge that I’m just a text away from any InDesign troubleshooting, Pinterest, and our similar creative, yet rule abiding designs, I’ll miss you next year and it was a pleasure working closely with you during first semester.

To Rachel Phengsitthy, I leave the final step in your Newsstreak legacy, (hopefully) two more conventions you can attend, running all of our social media accounts, bothering Kibler with weird questions, coming up with story ideas, reviving our TikTok, and the hope that everything will work itself out, I believe in you.

To the Thompson twins, I leave hard working, afternoons in the Newsstreak room, my best Adobe InDesign knowledge, and the future of Newsstreak, I can’t wait to see where you guys take our paper.

To Silas Spears, I leave being your adopted mentor, amazing social media posts, work smarter not harder, and the future of Newsstreak, you may not realize it now, but we need you.

To Jolie Sallah, I leave good social media posts, Sophie’s legacy, and the future of Newsstreak, you got this.

To my AP Psych class, I leave my sense that our class would have been even funnier in person, our random chat conversations, and the best luck in your future AP classes.

To Mary El Vaughn, I leave almost always being in a team together, Finding another person to work well with, HHS, and the wonderful world of college admissions, I have no doubt you will achieve incredible things in this lifetime To the STEM academy, I leave the wacky field trips sponsored by Blosser and Jackson, doing cool science projects in class, first year STEM innovations (this will be the best class you take in your high school career), TARC, and the many STEM conventions.


Ryan Muncy

What are your plans for after graduation?


What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

AP Psych with Mr. Healy.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Healy, he pushed me to be a better student and person.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Have fun. Take your school seriously but don’t miss out on other opportunities.

What song best defines you?

Doses & Mimosas – Cherup

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

AP Psych with Mr. Healy, it is completely different than any class I had ever taken in terms of material and he teaches it in such an interesting way.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to show up early and most likely to ride the Tour De France.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

I was able to try new things and develop new interests.

What did you want to be when you were little?

I wanted to be an NFL football player.

What do you want to be now?

I want to go into real estate development.

Senior Will: 

I, Ryan Muncy, being of inquiring mind and energetic body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Ellie Muncy, I leave Mr. J’s runs before school and my parking space. I also leave Spanish class with Frongia and Sr. Gonzalez.

To Keenan Glago, I leave my knowing how to slide and Thursday night team meals.

To Glenn Vance, I leave my baseball number, number 11.

To Toby Corriston, I leave my pitching ability.

To Evan Bert, I leave watching baseball during class and constantly being bored.

To all the underclassmen on the baseball team, I leave bus rides and the conversations that take place, some of the dumbest ones I’ve ever had.

Cesar Diaz

What are your plans for after graduation?


What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

[Having] school online.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Cullip- She is the best person I have ever met. She is sort of a young mom figure to me. She was really there for me when I struggled throughout her class. She takes in all her students and never doubts their power to learn. Regardless of how boring the material and content is, she’ll always make it fun. I’ll be grateful that I was a student of Mrs. Cullip.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Have fun, make memories, and laugh all you want. You’re [going to have] the time of your life.

What song best defines you?

Pursuit of Happiness- Kid Cudi.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Biology 10H with Cullip. One of the most fun classes I ever took in high school. Always an activity we do and never a dull moment with Cullip.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Most likely to become a stand up comedian.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Closer friendships.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A bus driver.

What do you want to be now?

CEO or founder of a company.

Senior Will: 

I, Cesar Diaz, being of calming mind do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Rachel P., Maya W., Julienne B., I leave you guys unplanned hangouts and drives throughout the Burg. Making me laugh when we walk around the school.

To Dylan Burnette, I leave you DE Personal Wellness class and having the freshest mullet around. Take care of Mr. Kelly for me while I’m gone.

To Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Cullip, Mr. Kelly, Chris the Janitor, JTibbles & Tueting: I leave you guys my everything. Thank you for believing in me and not letting me fall behind. You’re the real ones and I’ll be forever grateful for that that. Thank you.

Ashley Iscoa

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attending Eastern Mennonite University. Majoring in ESL education. Minoring in Spanish and Leadership studies. Playing on the women’s soccer team.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

I really enjoyed flying out to a different state for the first time. I did Newsstreak my first two years of highschool. During my sophomore year, I got the chance to go to Chicago for a journalism conference. I learned a lot about photography and was able to come back to HHS with a lot of confidence in my interviewing skills. Although I only flew out to a different state, it motivated me to continue my education so I am able to collaborate with others while learning in different cities, states, and hopefully, countries.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

I expected to answer this question with someone who has taught me for a long time, but this teacher is someone I met this school year, second semester. I was very nervous for the DE English class and it was super challenging to do because of how much I’ve changed as a student. She has been very understanding of what’s going on in my life and my current tendencies due to how much COVID has altered in my life. She has stayed various hours with me after school to push me to turn in papers. When I have struggled to do my best, she made sure I got there. Thank you Mrs. Barr for dealing with me and understanding my hardships as a student and person this school year.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Get as involved as possible. Try to join many clubs to figure out what you like the best. If you thought you would have never been a choir student or athlete in high school or president of a club, this is the time do discover those unseen potentials.

What song best defines you?

Whatever it Takes by Imagine Dragons.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class was choir. I have been singing since 3rd grade and had an amazing experience in middle school, but Ms. Houff really showed me what performing is. She helped me become confident with my voice and taught me how to really feel the meaning of the music. Whenever as a class we were down or not wanting to do class, she would take a second to hear us all out and understand what is going on in our lives. She has always cared about us from the start and has such a big heart. I’m so thankful for her class and all of the class food celebration parties, concerts, and companionship.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

I am understanding that sometimes I will not reach my full potential, but will always have the chance to get back up when I try to.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?

High School Teacher.

Senior Will: 

I, Ashley Iscoa being of eager mind and sporty body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Mallory Knupp, I leave the soccer chants on our bus rides home and the varsity spotify playlist. I know you will always make sure everyone is lit at soccer with your enthusiasm and goofiness.

To Abby Fornadel, I leave school spirit and lead captain rights. I know you will be sure to show up to every SCA sponsored event or anything that involves school spirit. I also know you are going to make one heck of a captain your senior year.

To Olivia King, I leave the indoor track baton, soccer memories and indoor track traditions. Make sure to carry all of the energy, past traditions and everything you have on the track and soccer field. You will for sure leave a mark at HHS due to your sweetness and athleticism.

To Laura Gonzalez Dutor, I leave all of my corny reggaeton music selections, country music you hate, and all of the memories we have cherished together. Thank you for always being by my side and never letting me fall short in everything I do.

To Galilea Santiago-Henriquez, I leave you the #10 HHS Varsity girls soccer jersey. I have started a lot of stats and history with this jersey on my back, but you will be the one to finish it’s history for the next two years. You are an amazing player and I cannot wait to see you continue to grow.

To Ms. Sweetman, I leave you all of my tears and mental breakdowns. You have helped me turn all of those times into days of happiness and optimism. You have helped guide me from the lowest point of my life to a place in my life where I’m ready to soar. I will miss talking to you about my life updates and everything there is to me, but cannot wait to continue our conversations in the future.

To Ms. Houff, I leave all of the cries and laughs we shared in that choir room. Thank you for showing us so much love when we had class food parties and prepared for concerts. Your class has brought me so much hope throughout my high school career.

To Mr. Denlinger, I leave the girls indoor track team and all of the times you pushed us to do things that we didn’t want to do. Thanks for making me run in the rain, cold, and signing me up for events I dreaded doing. You pushed me to become a great runner and I have been able to use everything I learned in track to be super speedy on the soccer field.

To Coach Watson, I leave you the HHS girls soccer program. Make it the best program in the valley. I only want to hear about how much the other teams fear us and how we are making it farther each and every year in the district, regionals, and one day, states. Thanks for coming into my senior season with energy, great drills, and repairing us as a team. I have enjoyed my short season and am so glad I was able to call you my coach.

To Delozier, I leave SCA. Thank you for teaching me everything I needed to know about leadership. Thank you for teaching me how to plan, organize, and coordinate events because I now know what is needed to put on a good event.

Lastly, to Ms. Hensley, I leave Harrisonburg High School. Thank you for being the best principal this school has ever had. You are so understanding of your students and are incredibly humble. Ever since I have met you, you presented yourself as a trusted adult that knows her students and if you don’t, you make it your goal to do so. Thanks for the best last two years of high school. Ashley Iscoa is OUT, but like the saying goes, “Once a Blue Streak, Always a Blue Streak.” I LOVE YOU HHS!!!

Stanley Inouye

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending UVA

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Freshman year STEM Academy Chesapeake Bay Trip.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Estes made a real difference in my education by reminding me each class that learning can and is an enjoyable experience when taught with passion and excitement.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Try new things but don’t overwhelm yourself. If you have an interest in something, go for it but don’t try to take on too much at once.

What song best defines you?

Come Back to Earth – Mac Miller

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

AP Psychology was my favorite class because of how interesting the topic was and because Mr. Healy was able to present the information in an exciting way each class, even during online school.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Best Dressed

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

A better sense of self and identity.

What did you want to be when you were little?


What do you want to be now?

Data Scientist

Senior Will: 

I, Stanley Inouye, being of tired mind and burnt-out body, do hereby bequeath the following items. To all the GDS boys, I leave late night calls, broken champs, the best jokes imaginable, named GIFs, terrible music, Rex Orange Country (not a typo), and the responsibility of carrying on the Blue Streak mentality. To Trevor, I leave hyzer angles, overpriced GPUs, talking too loud at 3 AM, and the promise that you’ll at least try to keep in touch with me next year.

Nathan Henderson

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attend UVA.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Stem academy.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Cosner, he taught me how to debate and speak better.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Work hard and set up your future but also have fun.

What song best defines you?

Life is a Highway.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Ap psych, I got to have a class with my older brother and some other cool folks.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Good friends.

What did you want to be when you were little?

Ambulance driver.

What do you want to be now?


Senior Will: 

To Arjun I leave the amazing memories of JHUMUNC.

To Keenan I leave the tennis team, make sure everyone is included and the team is always ready to play.(Even when coach is late)

And to the rest of the tennis team I expect greatness from you guys.

To Adam Oskinkosky huh?

To Matt Schaefer post tennis match vibes.

To Jordan Perez brawl stars games on the bus.

To Corey Well I already gave it to you but the orange hat, may it serve you well.

To Will Kyle the rides home from school.

To J Crick I leave the game jam drive.

To Joshua lol

Betsy Quimby

What are your plans for after graduation?

George Mason University.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Waiting two years to get my licence because I was scared of driving, but once I got it, realizing that driving is fun and not as scary as I thought (face your fears kids).

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Healy, for always helping and believing in me; even when I didn’t do so well in Euro, he helped me do well in Psych.

What piece of advice would you give freshman entering HHS next year?  

Join clubs and get out of your comfort zone!

What song best defines you?

Give Yourself A Try (by the 1975)

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Engineering II, I got to be with a bunch of my friends and work in the lab doing projects almost every day.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO _____? and/or BEST _____?

Best procrastinator.

What’s the best thing that came out of COVID-19 for you?

Finding new and different ways to interact with friends.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A baker, an architect, or a biomedical engineer.

What do you want to be now?

A civil engineer (or a food magazine writer).

Senior Will: 

I, Betsy Quimby being of epic mind and awesome body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Ryan Quimby, I leave being a suspicious looking character (you’re acting among us bro).

To the future Newsstreak Editors, I leave the early mornings you’ll have to spend in Kibler’s room, learning how to deal with freshmen, and remembering to delete the Oxford comma.

To Cesca and Julia Mehegan, I leave MarioKart, ACNH hide and seek (you’ll have a better chance… if you think Bob Vance), and being my favorite twins.

To my wonderful teachers, I leave my late assignments (hopefully I’ll be a little more punctual next year).

To the Newsstreak freshmen, I leave your amazing and impressive stories from this year (I’m really so proud of all of you).

Assma Ali

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to go to Shenandoah University and be in the Doctor of Pharmacy program.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

What stood out to me the most in high school was certain students get what they want.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Ms. Moore has made a difference in my life she has helped me with a lot of things in my life. She also has helped me pass the Algebra 2 SOL. Even though I am not in her class, she still checks up on me.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Take every opportunity you get.

What song best defines you?


What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Journalism because it is more teamwork and you collaborate with other students. It is not like any writing classes.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

What I have been doing is focusing on my school work to graduate. I have felt upset because I could not finish my senior year in the building. What I miss the most is all the activities that were planned for seniors that we did not get to do.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A principal.

What do you want to be now?

A Doctor of Pharmacy. 

Chelsy Alonso

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending Radford University.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Figueroa made a real difference in my education because she was the only teacher I could have a good bond with and she always motivated me to try my hardest in anything.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Never take for granted your high school years.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class that I took in high school was AVID because they became like family to me throughout the 4 years.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to travel the world.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

As a senior, COVID-19 ruined my senior year. I miss my friends and teachers. It’s sad to know that on March 12 was the last day walking in HHS.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A teacher. 

What do you want to be now?

A pediatric nurse. 

Senior Will:

I, Chelsy Alonso being of creative mind and confident body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Spanish Honor Society, I leave my leadership role at their hands.

To HOSA, I leave my attendance sheet to fill up with new members’ names

Lastly, to AVID, I leave every good memory we made as a family.

Jenny Arteaga

What are your plans for after graduation?

Bridgewater college and then onto med school. I eventually want to become a surgeon and be a medical missionary all around the world.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

The greatest learning experience to me was that I learned what it was like to be in a school of diverse students and when I went on field trips. I realized how grateful I should be to have that.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Blosser made a huge impact on me starting freshman year. He has always checked in on me, always supported me and even gave me a guitar once to take on my mission trip to Africa.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

I would advise them to take everything seriously, from the beginning, and work hard because it will pay off in the end.

What song best defines you?

“6 foot. 7 foot.” by Lil Wayne. Not actually, just like the song and I dream of being just a wee bit taller.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class I took in high school was ceramics because I was able to learn a different media that I had never used before and met a lot of people in my grade that I had never met.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to get a concussion and best laugh. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been running and biking mostly. I have felt mostly pretty good but it has been weird not seeing people. I miss just seeing people in person and being able to hug them or even high five them. I don’t remember the last day of high school at all, and that’s not how I pictured that it would be.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A teacher.

What do you want to be now?

A surgeon. 

Senior Will:

I, Jenny Arteaga, being of goofy mind and clumsy body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Tylor Brino-Dean, I leave root beer floats, sticky notes, an endless supply of watermelon jolly ranchers, and my seat on the library floor.

To Sophia Yoder, I leave chickens, squashed pumpkins, and I gift you with my incredible driving skills.

To Emma Lankford, I leave Super Smash games, an endless supply of plants, and OUR mom.

To Oziel Valdez, I leave the Public Relations assignments I never did, Wendy’s frosty’s and that one milkshake stain in the van.

To Calvin Hulleman, I leave apple cider, terrible jokes, and the study spot in the downtown library.

To Korry Sochaki and Caleb Goss, I leave the procrastination seat in the art room, the box of buttons, and Chola J’s signed album.

To Abby Fornadel, I leave an endless supply of blueberries, and the task of driving from one side of the parking lot to the other everyday for practice.

To the girls cross country team, I leave trying not get lost in Hillandale, Young, Wild and Free, Bootywurk, and the pee song.

To Michaela Brino-Dean, I leave deep talks at coffee shops, awkward compliments, and that one hair in the fridge.

To Daniel Arteaga, I leave the wonders of HHS and a big strong hug.

Lizzy Burzumato

What are your plans for after graduation?

Blue Ridge Community College associate’s in business management. 

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Being on the Marching Blue Streak Band leadership team.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Corriston did. She taught me so much about being comfortable in my own body and thinking positively about the world.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Take deep breaths and realize that soon you won’t even remember what it was like to not be in high school. You won’t be new forever.

What song best defines you?

“Wannabe” by The Spice Girls

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Theater 4, that drama class became a family and we continue to stay in touch.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to have 10 kids and best mom friend.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been painting and drawing every day. I talk to my friends every day and I’ve spent lots of time with my dog.

What did you want to be when you were little?

 An artist.

What do you want to be now?

A Bridal Consultant/Bridal Shop Owner.

Senior Will:

I, Lizzy Burzumato, being of eccentric mind and confident body,

wish to leave the HHS Color Guard to Anya Newman and Emily Nguyen.

To Julia Obenschain, Erin Newman, and Riley Coburn I leave the legacy of the crew.

To Gracie Jones, I leave sponTUNEous and Just Dance.

To Phillip Lockey, I leave lunch in the band room.

To Javion Green, Kai Johnson, and Aiden Effraimson I leave Güd Idiöts.

To Eduardo Martinez, I leave rides home from school and my motherly wisdom.

To Isabel Samatar, I leave cuddles in the band hall, self care, and painting tips.

To Danny, I leave Stapletons room, getting beat with a croc, being the messenger, and your father.

To Kasey Yun, I leave DND.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave the Les Miserables legacy.

To Ethan Malcom, I leave a pair of heart shaped sunglasses and my future children.

To the Newman sisters, I leave “Hi kids, how was school today?” and gas station slurpees.

To Jessica Lawson and Jalyn Sneary, I leave the Bridgewater Kids.

To Javion Green, I leave the top of a parking garage.

To the future Marching Bluestreak Band members I leave the best moments of my high school career, Upton and Leeper, and all the love in my heart.

Carly Corso

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending James Madison University in the fall.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Corriston has made a real difference in my education by believing in me and encouraging me to push my limits as an artist and a person.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Try new things. Get involved in as many after school activities as you can and participate in school events.

What song best defines you?

“Dancing Queen” by ABBA.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

AP Psychology with Mr. Healy because it is such a fascinating subject and the teacher is great.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to travel the world.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been trying to exercise more and keep up with my school work. I miss seeing my friends and being able to hug them.

Senior Will:

I, Carly Corso, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Crystal and Roselyn, I leave, the piccolo section, crazy loud and cold football games, “BEGI BRATAN!”, the decorated dot box, the organized binder (that we rarely use), dancing during symphonic class, focused sectionals, unfocused sectionals, the craziness of the piccolo section, and being your mama.

To Sydney Shaver, I leave you the privilege of calling me by my last name, midnight walks in the neighborhood, small gossip talk, snowboarding at Massanutten, being mice, Delta Nu’s, and Corny Kids together for the past 3 years.

To Cecelia Thomas, I leave you your travel coffee mug, our youth dance project, your absolute adorableness, silly piano duets, and warm hugs.

To Sydney Shaver and Cecelia Thomas, I leave my little sister Natalie Corso (take care of her, she’s a handful).

To Kate Kirwin, I leave study nights at your house, elevator rides, junior coaching in the summer, skipping swim practice to swim in your pool instead, and Quizlet lives that you always win.

Ritt Culbreth

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attend Wake Forest University.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Aaron Cosner introduced me to new perspectives, ways of thinking, and ways of living.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Take a debate class! Join Model UN!

Describe yourself in ONE word.


Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

COVID-19 has definitely been a disruptive force, but it hasn’t been too bad figuring out a fulfilling routine at home. I definitely miss the homies though.

What did you want to be when you were little?

The commissioner of the MLB.

What do you want to be now?

Work in a think tank.

Senior Will:

I, Ritt Culbreth, being of caffeinated mind and quarantined body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Nathan Henderson (N Henny), I leave the lyrics to Love Sosa, good times at Model UN conferences (11…12…), the funniest TikToks I find, and all my love.

To Stella Alexiou, Hayden Kirwan, and Emma Lankford, I leave AP Calc at Gov school, happy times hanging with Cosner, and all of the success in the world when y’all absolutely dominate the Public Forum debate circuit next year.

To Arjun Kunver, I leave discussions on Kanye’s best album (and my all love as well).

To Stanley Inouye and Silas Benevento, I leave my evaluation of Mike Bloomberg as an effective politician.

To Kim Portillo, I leave your future Princeton acceptance letter. You got it.

To Simon Beach, I leave the hope that someone will give you unlimited back massages next year.

Lastly, to Nathan Brown, Micah Tongen, Levi Zook, and the whole swim team, I leave free slurpees, singing Country Roads on long bus rides, and treasuring your time with Morrell.

Kate Cummings

What are your plans for after graduation?

I am attending University of Michigan to pursue a BFA in Musical Theatre.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

While taking AP Government with Mr. Tueting, realizing how important and justified both sides to an argument can be. Nothing is black and white and everyone’s opinion is valid if backed by facts.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Snow taught me in two classes this year, both Fine Arts Academy Capstone and AP Music Theory. Working with him one on one in theory, he always expected the best out of me. He excited me about the lessons more than any other subject had and pushed me as a songwriter to a point I never thought I’d reach. In Capstone, saying that he challenged me would be an understatement. Again, he never once doubted my abilities nor coddled me when things got tough. I have never grown more due to one person.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

High school is not middle school. There is no social hierarchy anymore. So don’t be afraid to be your 100% authentic self. You will find your true friends that way.

What song best defines you?

“Sweet but a Psycho.”

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Dance Company. It was like taking a class with every one of my best friends. The most fun I would have every day. And Mrs. Corriston is pretty dang amazing.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most Likely to be on Broadway. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been trying my best to keep busy as much as possible. That being said, because I would often stack my schedule prior to COVID-19, I am loving the opportunity to finally sleep. I am loving that aspect. When awake and wanting to keep busy, I have been trying to write lots of music, both for class and for my own pleasure. However, I really miss life as it was. Mainly, I miss seeing my friends daily. Being an extrovert, this time inside is not something I’m fond of. Missing out on senior activities is a downer, but yeah, I think the biggest thing is just being without my classmates. And this isn’t like summer. I can’t just meet up with whoever whenever. When this is over, I am spending all of my time making up for what I’ve lost.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A performing artist.

What do you want to be now?

A performing artist. 

Senior Will:

I, Kate Cummings being of absent mind and vertically-challenged body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Mariel Joven, I leave the teeniest tiny there ever was, one singular button, La Morena, and a door that is ajar.

To Sydney Shaver, I leave the lyrics “Love, Love” and Wyndham Woods car rides.

To Cecelia Thomas, I leave you the best save in HHS musical history, “have we got a personal essay for you!”

To Zoelle Blazard, I leave the bang gang.

To Ava Rath, I leave the importance of true friendship and boy talks.

To Mia Lemon, I leave the movie, Hercules.

To Nissi Gotay, I leave your water bottle from the IHOP windowsill.

To Matt Schaeffer, I leave every single breakfast sandwich that you ever brought into my car.

To Kofi Darko, I leave the Houseparty app.

To Sophia Yoder, I leave the night that never happened :(.

To Jordan Perez, I leave you my hair straightener.

To Oziel Valdez, I leave 1 a.m. snapchat videos.

To Kai Johnson, I leave AirPods.

To Nina Alabanza, I leave the Shakespeare bust.

To Leah Jenkins, I leave the fate of the One Act tech crew.

To Velker, I leave the title of “One Act’s biggest savage”.

To Azalea Twining, I leave you Clementine and The Golden Pony.

To Peeks, I leave the tooth necklace from my car.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave the ability to no longer have to “hold that thought for one second”, the One Act boy’s dressing room, and one sloppy thumb kiss.

To Miss Maia Wagler, I leave every single Brandi Carlile album, early morning car rides, crappy, rip-off henna, and smoodies.

To my One Act family, I leave meme culture.

To my Musical family, I leave the song “Replay.”

And to my Dance Company, I leave every single one of Mrs. Corriston’s “draaag, cross” steps.

Ann Diaz

What are your plans for after graduation?

I am going to attend JMU in the fall. I am going to major in Economics, and perhaps minor in Spanish & Arabic.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

My greatest learning experience in high school was taking DE Engineering as a more of a humanities person. Coming from my sophomore year where all my classes followed a stern structure of sitting in a desk, walking into Engineering made me realize learning was far more than that. It is researching, experimenting, and working with your own two hands. In that class, I presented various times, and executed every step of the engineering design process while working on my capstone project.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Brian Austin from Thomas Harrison Middle School. He was my first at school father figure and he taught me to love history. After I left middle school, Austin allows me to visit him and greets me with open arms. He gives the best advice and has taught me to be patient. He has inspired my interest in social studies as well.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

To the incoming freshman I advise you to live your freshman year to the fullest and keep good grades. Freshman year was my favorite year of high school because things like school, relationships, and college haven’t gotten in the way yet. Your GPA is also cumulative, so it matters that you do well even in your early years of high school.

What song best defines you?

“Wavy” by Ty Dolla $ign.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class in high school was AP Macroeconomics. Not only because of the content, but because of the people in it. I made some lifelong friends in that class and it changed my mindset on how I look at government and everyday choices. Tueting was loud, but he had a lot of energy in the classroom. I was always on my toes and made sure to keep up with the readings, solely because I didn’t want to disappoint him.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to be tardy.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

When I found out school was cancelled for the rest of the year, my heart sunk and I teared up. I knew I wasn’t ever going to see my school friends again which is one of the things that sucked the most. I am sad I didn’t get to have my senior tennis season, do the senior things (prank, swap day, skip day, trip), and perhaps a graduation ceremony. I have cut and dyed my hair since.

What did you want to be when you were little?

President of the United States of America.

What do you want to be now?

A good person.

Senior Will:

I, Ann being of goofy mind and curvaceous body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Indoor Biddies, I leave horrible TikToks, the tight bus rides, and the energy to advocate for a team meal that is not cookout.

Korry, you have an amazing sense of humor.

Makayla, you are gorgeous and I hope you get a manz.

Ashley, how did I not know you’re related to Jason because of the twins.

Laura, you are great and I’m sorry coronavirus ruined your sixteenth birthday.

Noel, I wish I spoke to you more during the season, but you are gorgeous and not afraid to bussdown.

To Veorides or Dies, to my SLIME, Cesar ALEXIS Diaz, I am glad high school brought us together. Good thing we aren’t siblings, because the world wouldn’t be able to handle us. So being cousins is the next best thing. I leave you the Diaz last name!

To Maya, I leave you boy advice and maturity. You already have maturity, but let me know if you ever need back up.

Rachel, I leave you the times I let you drive me places. Whether that be in my car, your car, or Jason’s car. Let me know if Jason ever yells at you again.

To My Daughters, Ilana, I leave you cranberry sprite, illegal driving, and my sick tennis moves. I am always down to go thrifting and coordinate outfits with you.

To Mia Stewart, I leave Chick-Fil-A trips, the pugs, and Owen since his butt moved back home. I am just as much your friend as I am Owen’s, so don’t forget that.

To Cesca, I leave you confidence and all the brain power in the world. I want you to be bold and to be your truest self. I will miss seeing you complete Algebra 2 homework in the mornings.

To the Shalom Gang, to Maia Wagler, I leave you my promised hangouts and hugs. I PROMISE we will hangout soon. I am so sorry I suck at keeping up with people and holding myself to my word. You are hilarious and don’t change.

To Stanley & Silas, I leave you the Waterman neighborhood, the GS in Cabin group chat, and Big Mouth. Sorry, we didn’t hang as much in my upperclassmen years, but you guys are influential in my life. Keep being stylish.

To Sophia Yoder (& Aidan Perkins), I leave you Carrie’s boyfriend gossip, the memories of my stupid self, and the track team. You guys are the sweetest and I won’t forget the water you gave me. I hope I’m an honorary Yoder in your heart and please join track Soph.

To Aidan, I leave my complaints about how long meets are as well.

My Queen, Maddie Shanholtz, I’d like to thank Ethan Powers, for scoring us the opportunity to volunteer for social services. I leave you the random hangouts, long dart games, and my dream of going to a The 1975 concert together. I also leave you some imaginary no-tears potion, so you stop crying so much. AHAHA.

Junior Boos, to Ozi, Stella, Caleb, and Macy, I leave you my hi’s in the hallways, my lack of texting, and support. I don’t know what’s up with y’all majority of the time, but just know you’re in my heart. Thank you for being yourselves. I fancy all of your styles and I hope senior year ends up good for y’all.

Marelyn Rivera, to you, I can say a lot of things I’m leaving you behind with. I am leaving you with the shot put team (there’s no upperclassmen), your motivation to workout, and our jam session memories. I am so glad you did shot put this year. You are so sweet and driven. I am glad you always pushed me to do things I thought I couldn’t do (like running around the school). You are going to do great with whatever you choose to do with your life. Keep your head strong.

To the Tennis Team, I leave y’all my one lap warm up “runs,” my screams while playing, and a complete season next year. I have plenty of good memories coming from the tennis team and I hope you guys do too. I also leave Mr.Yoder and Josh, hopefully you can recruit at least one of them for next season. Keep on practicing or snacking (our snack table is fire).

My boiz, to Conor Wells, I leave my petty texts, GamePigeons, and compliments. You are super cute and I hope you acknowledge it soon. Thank you for letting me bother you.

To David Beck, I leave you time. I hope that makes sense. I leave you time to rejuvenate, train, and to grow even more. You are a delight and I love your quarantine journals. I was right to worship you from sophomore year to now. You have grown up so much and I am excited to see what the future holds for you.

To Jaiden Brooks, I leave you senior year. Honestly, just because you were the only junior in our speech class. Good luck next year.

To Brianna Knupp, I leave Marcus and Mr.Bair. Keep a good eye on them.

To the History Department, I leave you my “Anita” mug. That mug is mine and I forgot to pick it up before junior year ended, so I guess y’all can have it. Thank you for being home at school. I have been blessed to have a group of adults that I can look up to and mess with.

To Blair, I leave the time I accidentally sat outside of your house and all the late’s.

To Healy & Tueting, I leave you the memories of sophomore & junior me. I can’t believe y’all had to put up with me for two years in a row. Y’all are my right-hand men and I can’t thank you for all the support you guys have given me. I hope I don’t disappoint you guys.

To the Science Department, I leave you guys with my adoption.

Bair, I can’t believe you also had to put up with me for three years. Maybe more like two since I’m always missing. I know you like to stick to the rules and I thank you for it (It keeps me grounded). I will miss you “Stranger.”

To Smith, you were the only teacher who had my back last year. It meant so much that you were there for me. I will run for president just for you.

To Jackson & Blosser, I leave you my ability sneaking into STEM classes and my ideas for the STEM program. Thank you for not being too hard on me as a newbie.

To Christina Norment, I leave you the memories of the chirpy mess I am. I am grateful you forced me to take AP Macro sophomore year, because now it is my college major. You lead me to the right direction. I am sorry I could never get to class on time, but school got cancelled so I’m a winner. Thank you for understanding the fact that I need space at times and feel the need to be self-sufficient. I appreciate that. I am dumb.

To the People I May Have Forgotten, I leave you my salutations and heart. Even though you weren’t mentioned, it doesn’t mean you weren’t influential in my high school career. Everyone affects everyone. You have built me to who I am, and hope I am good. Thank you.

Tatiana Edmond

What are your plans for after graduation?

Blue Ridge Community College for Nursing.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

One last chance to make memories with people I may never see again.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Ms. Brooks (college advisor) because she was always there for me emotionally.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Keep up with your grades.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

AVID because that is where I met the majority of my closest friends

Describe yourself in ONE word.


Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I really miss being with my friends everyday.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A model.

What do you want to be now?

A nurse. 

Senior Will:

I, Tatiana of beautiful body, leave last years senior prom.

Fernando Escobar-Medina

What are your plans for after graduation?

I’m planning on going to Radford after graduation.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

My junior year coming to an end because I was learning about new opportunities and taking chances due to my friends and adults in my life encouraging me.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Corriston made a real difference in my education because she taught me in order to reach my goal, I have to go for it.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

To the freshman, listen to the rules to stay out of trouble and do not hesitate to get involved.

What song best defines you?

“Grown” by Chloe x Hallie.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class was DE Calculus because it was the first time I had the same teacher two years in a row and because the class was challenging and I enjoyed it.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to marry rich and best dressed.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I’m irritated all the time because of my brothers and unnecessary assignments. I have been doing my homework, chores, and binge watching TV series that I have already seen. I been having a mixture of emotions from angry to happy but mostly sad because I haven’t seen anybody besides my family for weeks. I miss the games and events that were planned for the rest of the year and also my final season for tennis.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A NASCAR driver.

What do you want to be now?

A CEO of a multi-million-dollar company,

Senior Will:

I, Fernando Escobar-Medina being of curious mind and soft body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Ashley Iscoa, I leave SCA’s photos and crazy ideas.

To William Kyle, I leave a Tropical Smoothie meal.

To Emily Diaz I leave my confidence and high self-esteem.

Faith Evans-Haywood

What are your plans for after graduation?

James Madison University- Art Education- 5 year plan.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Nobody looks back and is happy about going home everyday after school and sleeping. Go out and have fun with friends. Make those memories.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Brooks has made a difference because she helped me get through a lot of personal and educational moments through 4 years. She has pushed me to try new things in art and out in the real world.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Just follow the dang hallway rules. Getting detention over being in the wrong hallway is dumb. Don’t be dumb.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite academic class was Tueting’s US & VA history because I learned so much about actual real life stuff that I needed and could apply to my daily life.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to be a crazy art lady.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I’ve been really productive. I’ve had time to work on things that matter to me while throwing some required class work in there too. I really miss sitting in the courtyard with my friends because the sun is warmer in there and the laughs are louder. I plan on crashing next years prom.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An opera singer.

What do you want to be now?

An art teacher.  

Senior Will:

I, Faith Evans-Haywood, being of chaotic mind and groovy body, do here y bequeath the following items:

To Isabel Samatar, I give you the art strand of the Fine Arts Academy. Please guide it through its chaos and quirks and protect it from evil they may try to do it harm.

To Breanna Moats, I leave you the art room and Mrs. Brooks. Keep the room clean and the brushes organized and Mrs Brooks on her toes but also protect her from the crazy people in the hallways.

To Grayson Campbell, I leave you Berkeley… I mean… GSA Presidency. Please make something happen with it. Keep them sane and safe. Also keep Berkeley giggling and facepalming.

To Emily Nguyen and Anya Newman, I leave you the Colorguard! Please keep them calm and collected and also remember to buy glitter hair spray the night before a performance!

To Anish Aradhey, I leave the guard room. Please keep it clean and continue to decorate it and make better with each season! The flags are heavy but you are strong.

Jack Hotchkiss

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attend JMU.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Daniel Upton because he would not stop hounding me for 4 years about holding myself to a higher standard. It helped with my self respect and my maturity.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Just vibe out. Do what you want to do and don’t care what other people think.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Honors Physics with Seth Berkeley.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I miss connecting with people face-to-face.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An astronaut.

What do you want to be now?

A special ed teacher. 

Senior Will:

I, Jack Hotchkiss, being of sad mind and perfect body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Daniel Upton and Claire Leeper, I leave a lifetime of gratitude for the impact you have made on me and countless others. Thank you for everything you do. Thank you for taking a chance on a squirrely little boy, and thank you for all the unwarranted, but much appreciated advice. Thank you for providing such a safe program
and opportunity to so many kids.

To the 2019-2020 Percussion section; I leave all the confidence in yourselves that you will ever need. Thank you for a lifetime of laughter squeezed into one Marching band season. Thank you for challenging me each and every day and for holding me accountable. You guys me a better person and taught me not to take myself so seriously. I will forever be proud of the amazing things you guys have accomplished, and will continue to for the rest of your lives. I will always cherish the memories I got to make with you all.

To Nurse Angela, and Nurse Wendy; Thank you for putting up with just about each and every day of my high school career. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face and for holding me to the standard you know I am capable of. Most of all thank you for always keeping it real.

To the cast and everyone who helped with the 2020 production of Hairspray; Thank you for providing a space where I felt truly comfortable expressing every part of who I am. Thank you for helping to tell a beautiful story in the most unique and powerful way I have ever seen. Thank you for providing an outlet that is so demanding and scary and overwhelming that you have no choice but to grow while being a part of it. Thank you for making me more confident, and happier than ever before.

To the entirety of the HHS Faculty and Staff; Thank you for everything that you do day to day that goes without recognition or appreciation. Your hard work allows all of us to receive an education and experience that not a lot of people are afforded the privilege of getting.

To EVERYONE that has made even the most minor impact on me during my 3 and half years at HHS; Thank you for helping me to become who I am today. I hope you will remember how I made you felt and I hope I had a positive impact on your life.

Sweta Kunver

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attending Richard Bland College for two years and then transferring to a state school to major in Psych and Public Health.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

A simple, kind gesture never hurts. Those kinds of gestures can really brighten a person’s day and that’s why I encourage it so much. Smiling at someone, hold open a door, help carry something, anything helps. It goes a long way.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

You don’t have to take yourself so seriously. Do take studying seriously, but don’t act so big and tough. Not everyone is like that, let loose and experience everything. There’s going to be a first for everything, especially in high school, so sometimes we have to allow ourselves to have that experience. Or else, you might have a list of do’s and don’ts that you aren’t going to follow.

What song best defines you?

“Ribs” by Lorde.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Art 1 because it was a very simple class, but the teacher at the time never set limits or boundaries for creativity. It was the most refreshing class I had my freshman year and really influenced me to love my own ability and to continue creating things with love and passion.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to lead a protest. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

At first, I didn’t think anything of it. I figured maybe this would be over in a month or so, but my process of thought has changed a lot since March 13th. Right now, I’m more so worried about my family’s business than anything. We own two restaurants in town, Taste of India and Taj of India. We’re lucky to have been successful enough to even own a second location, and I think we’ve become very privileged through the years of owning them. Hard work really paid off, it isn’t our first time going through a crisis, but this is way more serious than what was going on 12 years ago. I’ve become a little more critical about what I read for news or what loan programs we have to go through for the business. I’ve also become a little more pessimistic I suppose. I miss seeing my friends a lot, I miss going to my favorite places in town and in Virginia. We’re pretty much in our own quarantines now so doing those sorts of things is not easy as it used to be. I just know, though, that once this is all over, I’m going to give my extended family, friends, teachers a big hug.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A soccer player, but I never played soccer, which was funny.

What do you want to be now?

A therapist or researcher.

Senior Will:

I, Sweta Kunver being of sagacious mind and foolish body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Arjun Kunver, I leave the countless outings to fulfill our cravings, crying to Mr. Frank Ocean and the responsibility of meeting mom and dad’s every demand at home. I was going to say I would leave the keys to my car for you, but mom said I might be taking the car to campus anyway. With that being said, I know that in any vehicle, you’ll make amazing memories in them. They’ll be fun, dumb, sad, whatever. Just as the memories we’ve built together in high school and before that. I know that sometimes I can’t be the best sister, but know that I will always be there for you. You’re such a smart kid, way smarter than me, and you have so much going on for you. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. I love you a lot, Babu. And I guess one last thing: don’t do anything I wouldn’t.

To Eilyn “Scarlett” Pena Robles, I leave the absurd amount of learned Tik Tok dances, feral Twitter threads and falling for any dude that wears earrings. We met this year, but I wish we’d known each other longer. You’re so vibrant and funny, you know how to really make people feel better. Thank you for all the laughs and the ‘relatable’ talks. I’m going to miss seeing you at BSU meetings and after school in the halls.

To Dany “Gussie” T-Medhin, I leave the random late-night San Francisco runs for Takis, constant need for reassurance and sharing our artistic abilities or opinions with no judgement. Literally, never change, Dany. You’re a bright light in people’s lives and you have this energy that people can’t help but be pulled towards. I’m so thankful that you’ve always allowed me to share my ideas and have given me many things to critically think about. If anyone deserves the absolute best, it’s you. Tell your mom I said hi by the way.

To Silas Benevento-Zahner, I leave you any and all organized rallies, bizarre late-night tweets, baking brownies and New Years Eve house hopping. This may not have been expected, but in many ways you’ve been an impact in my life. You have these amazing ideas and you move people with your words and passion. A friend of mine and I have agreed that you’re too good for this world, Silas. Continue to spread your ideas and positivity because I just know you’re going to have a huge impact on the world.

To Stella Alexiou, I leave delicious Indian food, the protection of my brother and tight hugs. Words cannot express enough how much I adore you, truly. From talks about boys to the never-ending compliments, Stella, you are truly a beautiful soul. I’m really going to miss your hugs, they’ve been so comforting to me for the last year or so. I hope the rest of high school treats you well, I hope life in general treats you will. If, for some reason, it doesn’t, I give full permission for you to use my brother as your personal bodyguard.

To Olivia Daquan Arndt, I leave you screaming One Direction’s greatest hits at the top of our lungs, JMU library study sessions, last minute runs to Billy Jack’s and Taco Bell and late night runs to Target for ice cream. As I write to you, I am genuinely tearing up. No person in my life has pushed me further than you have. You saw so much in me and you continued to be an amazing friend at my worst. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you, but know that I’ll give credit where it’s due and I’ll make you proud. I’m thankful for the way you listened to my worries, fueled any desire to fool around and be a teenager, and the support you gave me. I just hope I gave you the same in the last two and a half years. Sometimes we have our differences, but that’s never really stopped us. I’m going to miss you so much, let’s hope you don’t get tired of me constantly facetiming you while you continue at UMich.

Julia Lawton

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending Adelphi University! I’m pursuing a BFA in dance and am a member of the honors college!

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Definitely creating our Fine Arts Academy Senior Capstone! This project has presented so many challenges, both artistically and logistically. It has caused me to become a better communicator, a more organized planner, and a more inventive choreographer, not to mention gaining an understanding of architecture, fundraising, website design, video editing, and much more. This project has taught me so many skills that I will carry with me through the rest of my life, and for that I’m truly grateful.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Amber Corriston for sure!! For the last four years, she has pushed me physically and emotionally in and out of dance class. She has believed in me and trusted me with so many amazing opportunities, and I know she truly cares about me, not only as a dancer, but as a person. I’m so very thankful for her. Love you forever, Mrs. Corriston!!

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Get involved, try things, open yourself up to new people and opportunities! But in that same vein, don’t be afraid to say no! It is not realistic or even possible to expect to do every single thing. It doesn’t make you weak to take one fewer hard class or say no to being in someone’s piece. Your personal well-being and mental health are SO much more important than resumé-builders. Do things that will challenge you and make you happy, but don’t make yourself crazy! And know that it’s okay to ask for help!!

What song best defines you?

“Dancing Queen” by ABBA.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Dance!! HHS Dance has been a second home to me. It’s a true family! Everyone is so supportive of one another. It’s been so wonderful and inspiring to move, create, and grow with the HHS dancers for so long!

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to live my childhood dream. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

Since school closed for COVID-19, I’ve been trying to stay positive and keep doing things that make me happy! I think that’s all we really can do through this! I have been trying to dance some every day, whether it be taking an online class, doing a ballet barre, or choreographing; it’s good to keep some sense of normalcy! I’ve also tried to take advantage of the extra time I have to spend with my family and my pup before I go to college, although we can definitely drive each other crazy! Overall, my emotions have been up and down throughout this process. I know that social distancing is the right move, and I feel good knowing that what we’re doing is saving lives, but it’s also hard. I miss school. I miss dance class. I miss my friends. I’m sad to give up final performances, graduation, and all the fun senior things. It’s a strange and challenging time for us all, but if we can stay connected with loved ones, find moments of joy, and remember that this isn’t forever, we can absolutely get through it!

What did you want to be when you were little?

A dancer!!

What do you want to be now?

A dancer!!

Senior Will:

I, Julia Lawton, being of creative mind and graceful body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Mia Stewart, I leave coordinated port de bras worthy of Eva’s class.

To Maya Pope, I leave wishing for more ballet in dance class.

To Azalea Twining, I leave discussions of artistic dreams and financial instability instead of doing online work.

To Isabel Samatar, I leave spending too much time on art projects for AP psych.

To my Corny Collins fam, I leave early morning rehearsals and constant bouncing.

To Cecelia Thomas and Sydney Shaver, I leave DE US choreo time and ridiculous raps, silly dancing on the floor backstage before going on, and C Crew!

Declan Leach

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending JMU with a prospected double major in English and SMAD, with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

My greatest learning experience was probably as a debate mentor to younger students in the class. Learning to figure out how to explain effective yet cordial argumentation to people with really little experience was very difficult, but rewarding and fun to me.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Aaron Cosner made a huge impact on me in his ability to teach effectively, lead a room, earnestly inform and persuade, and be a great friend to rely on all the while. Much of the learning I’ll remember from these 4 years came from this man and my friendship with him, and I am really forever indebted for the wisdom he imparted to me.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Stay focused and have fun, it’ll be over before you know it. Take nothing for granted and take every chance to get involved that you can, you’ll make great memories in the long run.

What song best defines you?

“(Jackie Wilson Said) I’m In Heaven When You Smile” by Van Morrison has been one of my favorite songs since I was about 2 and my mom thinks of me when it plays. It’s a song about being happy and loving people.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

I probably most enjoyed my time with friends making great music in Percussion 2 for the last 3 years of high school, or AP Lang with Mrs. Kibler simultaneously bullying me publicly but totally schooling us all on the merits of concise and effective writing.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most compassionate/friendly.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been trying to keep busy with photography and editing pictures I already have in a sort of portfolio, talking with my friends, bike riding, listening to music, and writing as much as I can make myself be motivated to. I’ve felt pretty much fine, albeit a little lonely sometimes without my friends. I miss my friends and band mates most of all, and the experiences we would be having right about now (playing shows, goofing off, prom, senior things etc).

What did you want to be when you were little?

An actor or author, I think.

What do you want to be now?

I want to do videography work, maybe of live music, to support my goal of writing and directing my own features or documentaries.

Senior Will:

I, Declan Leach, being of brilliant mind and alluring body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Josiah Leach, I leave the responsibility of whatever carpool gang is at your demand, and the legacy of the Leach family at HHS. Graduate early if you can and get the heck outta there.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave our very big goofy smiles and trying to make Leif laugh while recording sad songs.

To Arjun Kunver, the legendary status of the Bass Challenger, and being the foolish younger children of The Magenta Shift.

To The Magenta Shift as a whole and an ideal, I leave stanky guitar solos, Le Pump, Grenda, Wendy’s biggie bags, Leif’s fascination with old beat up brown things, oatmeal creme pies, the lost tour effort of this summer, communal worship and love for Isaac Sawin, and a fantastic folk-influenced debut alt rock album hopefully coming soon to your preferred music streaming service.

To the HHS drumline, I leave millions of sectional favors, the time guess, rolling down grass hills, sliding down turf hills, “sports, sports, sports, sports, etc,” and general buffoonery. Keep it alive, I love you all.

To Zahria Ford, I leave your big ol’ smile and a friendly wave that never fails to brighten my day.

To Braeden McGrath, I leave your ridiculous antics and the hope that one you will mature into a fine young man (I’m kidding, never grow up bud).

To Maren McGehee, I leave full accountability for Braeden (and Henry), a long list of ridiculous nicknames, fire song recommendations, and “inch resting”.

To Layla Seefried, I leave Jeffrey, full ownership of the snare bears, dancing all the time, and goofy drumline antics.

To Jeslyn Liu I leave our totally unrequited friendship, except for every now and then when I can actually make you laugh (just the tiniest bit).

To Liam Wightman, I leave your sick bike tricks and weird noises, and your total enthusiasm and energy in everything you do.

To Jeffrey, I leave The Jeffrey Show, your powers of invisibility, and your undying love for Yoshi.

To Henry Matter, I leave my blessing on your totally unsuspected cooking skills, our proposed really bad band names, goofing about, and the pressure of living up to the legacy of the greatest band ever to set foot in the halls of HHS. No sweat, man.

To Azalea Twining, I leave my constant state of being blown away by your voice and brilliant songwriting, and also hopefully the next best band in HHS history.

To Matt Schaeffer I leave your non verbal requests to be driven home, vibin to crazy bluegrass at 6:30 in the morning on the way to school, and me physically reprimanding you for throwing up rude hand gestures at passing cars. Also, once again, make that band happen.

To Grayson Campbell, I leave my undying attraction to you and your hotness, fond memories of goofing off at chikin store, and constantly hyping each other up.

To all my Musical men, I leave insanely hype parties in the changing room, the event that never happens on Saturday evening, nobody adequately learning music, Weston’s legendary pre-show speech, and the general camaraderie and silliness that ensues for a couple weeks every February. And Simon, absolutely no kissing.

Baukyaka Mangola

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attending college. 

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Having time to spend with my teacher and classmate.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

All my teachers. They were pushing me to do my works and brought me to school.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Don’t hesitate to help or do the right thing. don’t follow other students , but you heart and don’t do what others because they do it.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

JROTC. Teacher were always ornest, pushing joke, and make me feel I am home at same time I am scare.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Good actor and one of the best soccer player in school.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

It’s completely horrible. School assignment, Watching dramas and actions even sleeping too late. I felt bad, but at other time happy. I miss my teacher and my friends. And being in school and crowd of people.

What did you want to be when you were little?

I didn’t have a dream of what to be.

What do you want to be now?

A soccer player and police officer. Maybe a soldier.

Leif McCoy

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be pursuing a degree in History with international honors from the College of William and Mary and the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Blair because he took my understanding of history to a new level and inspired me to go to William and Mary to further study it.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to join a band in college. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have mostly been reading and playing guitar. I miss my friends at school and playing shows with The Magenta Shift. I’d like to thank my family and friends for supporting me these past four years.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An architect.

What do you want to be now?

A Juvenile and Domestic Relations Attorney. 

Senior Will:

I, Leif McCoy, being of sharp mind and slightly less sharp body, do hereby bequeath the following items.

To Henry Matter, I leave that one debate round, the chipotle door handle, the twentieth floor, Oxford blue dress shirts, flat caps, those boots (maybe you’ll wear them this time) and philosophical input.

To Silas Benevento, I leave Bernie and all his bros, tweed pants, and all the granola you can eat.

To Simon Beach, I leave what’s left of my guitar, cheeseburger dip, and Norfolk.

To Stella Alexiou, I leave Model UN, Kentucky, and Leslie Jordan.

To Carson Hotchkiss, I leave the mellophones, the French Horn, and the way I run.

To Ilana Mattson, I leave the mellophones, my allergies, and my quotes list.

To the rest of the mellophones, I leave the excellence of the dot box, Texas, “No Marj”, and that one Punch Brothers song. Thanks for the great year guys.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave ”Poobley”, your first bass, that super awesome brown Volkswagen in North Carolina, Benny’s, Yonterin’, The Beatles, the Tennessean (not really), the super heavy loud box, playing all the time and us telling you to stop even though it was more funny than annoying, singing two notes at the same time, “Babe?”, Insidious Quiche, “old sport”, the Cambridge Boat Race, recording day vlogs, and most importantly, the Magenta Shift.

Katherine Menjivar

What are your plans for after graduation?

I am going to Randolph College and probably major in psychology.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Dance class. It was amazing that I had the opportunity to learn all styles of dance.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Martinez and Ms. Oakes because both supported me a lot during my high school years. They’ve known me since freshman year and have been with me since then.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Don’t be afraid! Do your best and work hard.

What song best defines you?

“In my blood” by Shawn Mendez.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Dance because I love dancing. Dance helps me clear my mind.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

I would say to myself, “You are super smart, you learn English so fast and you work hard to be better everyday.”

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been taking dance classes online. I have been exercising and talking with my teachers. I have slept a lot. I felt sad because I missed a lot of opportunities. I miss my friends and teachers and just being in a classroom.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A teacher.

What do you want to be now?

A counselor. 

Grace Miller

What are your plans for after graduation?

After graduation, I am planning on attending George Washington University to study English and astronomy.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

The greatest learning experience I had during high school was that you should not take time or experiences for granted and that it is important to take time for personal happiness.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

My junior year, Mr. Blair not only believed in me academically, but as a person. He taught me about perseverance when life and school got tough and helped me to become more confident, prepared, and happy.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

To make the most of every moment, don’t take anything for granted, and to work hard.

What song best defines you?

“When Will My Life Begin” from Tangled.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

My favorite class I took in high school was either Honors Choir or APUSH because I enjoyed being close to my classmates and learning while still having fun.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to be at Shenandoah Joes. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

Since school closed, I miss the little things like passing a friend in the hallway or eating lunch in the courtyard. I wish I would’ve been able to say goodbye to everything and thank everyone for the impact they’ve had on my life.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An author. 

What do you want to be now?

A publisher. 

Senior Will:

I, Grace Miller, being of indecisive mind and clumsy body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Emma Veerman, I leave Target and Chick-fil-a runs and the time we tried (and failed) to workout over the summer.

To Ella Young, I leave our backstage Good Morning Baltimore dance, the “through the crack” challenge, and a newsies cap.

To Maia Wagler, I leave eye contact and laughing during choir, past and future Greenberries dates, and love from the bottom of my heart.

To Sydney Shaver, I leave pushing all of the buttons in the elevator and every hug I have because we were still supposed to have a semester together.

To Maya Pope, I leave tofu and supper club.

To Sophia Yoder, I leave Chicago, Cuban Burger, and Jordan.

To Matt and Kofi, I leave dabbing.

To Jordan Perez, I leave being a fake vegan and Michael Scott Oreos.

To my One Act family, I leave shaking the ceilings of ballrooms, sticky Asian cauliflower, scarring Louis on the bus, being 4/4 (therefore 1st), Post Malone by Sam Feldt, and my old house.

To Cecelia Thomas, I leave sister pictures, tenor time, the Alto 2 section, and kombucha.

To Keenan Glago, I leave SHORTY and being your friend, not acquaintance.

To Caleb Goss, I leave trips to every coffee house in town, panorama pictures, unofficial invites to bob time, triple axels, and being a senior (finally).

To Emma Lankford, I leave plant shopping, two jumbo slurpees, fifty different types of pens, not doing my Create Task, and the hope that after this is over you’ll still teach me how to swim.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave giving and getting rides home, iced chai, ring pops on the bus to VTA, “but the lights were on”, the color blue, dirty air force ones, the name Stan, my drarry pinterest board, the walmart fizzy drinks and the promise of their gift each year, being the best bus buddy, cheesy romance movies, lofi coffeehouse music, and winning the best friend challenge at after prom because you know me better than anyone.

To Mariel Joven, I leave love the force of a thousand suns, bob time, Kyle from Starbucks, screaming 2000s throwbacks at the top of our lungs in the HHS parking lot, being pulled into an aisle to dance, a grande iced coffee with cream and sugar, the me and my bob snapchat series, latke making, Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston, thrifting, the strippers waterslide, Emmett, and being the best bob I could’ve asked for.

Claudia Obenschain

What are your plans for after graduation?

Musical Theatre major at JMU.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Being a drum major for the marching band.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Corriston and Leeper/Upton! Mrs. Corriston has not only made me a better dancer, but she has also made me a better person. Upton/Leeper have given me a home in the band over the past four years and I couldn’t be more grateful.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

You’ve got this! Cherish every minute of it, because it’s done in a flash.

What song best defines you?

“Fly Into the Future” from Vanities (the musical).

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Musical Theatre was my favorite class because it let me deep dive into the extensive history of musical theatre (which ultimately helped me realize that I want to pursue it as a career). It was also a very small class, and we got to goof around and became quite close.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I got a job (at a grocery store) so that’s been keeping me busy, but I’ve also been baking lots of bread. I miss school and being able to see my friends. 

What did you want to be when you were little?

 A teacher.

What do you want to be now?

 A dancer on Broadway.

Senior Will:

I, Claudia Obenschain, being of crazy mind and clumsy body, do hereby bequeath the following items: 

To Aiden Kennedy and Jeslyn Liu, I leave the HHS Marching Band. You’re both going to be fantastic drum majors and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish.

To AJ Moats and Coty Carpenter, I leave the trumpet section. AJ, I’m counting on you to keep them in line! Coty, continue to fill the section with laughs.

To Carlos Diaz, I leave the ego of the trumpets. It’s a large burden to bear, I know, but I have faith you can do it. (Yes, this is necessary.)

To Luis Casillas-Martinez, I leave lots of back row shenanigans.

To Phillip Lockey, I leave Adam and the yellow M&M.

To Ethan Malcolm, I leave questionable Google searches and the largest chord on the piano.

To Gracie Jones, I leave Just Dance on New Years and Spontuneous.

To Anya Newman, I leave rehearsal conversations and Bandstand.

To Anya, Azalea, and Ella, I leave the records.

To Julia Obenschain, I leave the next generation of Clexya.

Safiyyah Ogundipe

What are your plans for after graduation?

I am going to attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology to major in Chemical-Biological Engineering.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Participating in labs at the Summer Residential Governor’s School for Medicine and Health Sciences (the summer before junior year); I gained a better understanding of laboratory sciences and was exposed to experiments/techniques that came up later on.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Ms. Wilson; she always supported me, especially in non-STEM areas, which were outside of my typical comfort zone.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Don’t be afraid to be a different person than who you were, whether that means interacting with new people or trying new activities.

What song best defines you?

“Non-Stop” (from the Hamilton Soundtrack); [or “still a piece of garbage” by Bill Wurtz]

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

STEM Biotechnology; (although it ended early due to COVID-19) it was very hands-on and related a lot to what I want to study in college

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to sort of succeed and best not so subtle facial expressions.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been staying at home, which has been annoying at times, especially since my birthday took place under these circumstances (4/20, if you were wondering). Mostly, I have been rewatching a lot of old series/movies, especially old Disney movies. I miss simply interacting with my teachers and classmates, and I’m disappointed that certain school/extracurricular events were cancelled. However, I’m trying to make the most of this time, focusing on preparing for college life and enjoying the relative “break” from the school schedule.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A veterinarian/doctor.

What do you want to be now?

Undecided/ a doctor/ a medical researcher. 

Senior Will:

I, Safiyyah Ogundipe, being of daydreaming mind and awkward body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Adelina Nunez Rodriguez, I leave our first HHS musical and ours of set strike.

To Dany T-Medhin, I leave you with quick costume changes and off-topic APUSH discussions.

To Luke Tao, I leave behind sped-up Edhesive videos and the table behind you in AP Chem.

To Ashley Acosta-Iscoa and Mia Constantin, I leave you with 7 a.m. meetings and so many Google Forms.

To the Academic Team, “for 10 points,” I leave behind random trivia and long bus rides home (*BUZZ*).

Christian Ramirez-Ruiz

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attend JMU!

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

I don’t have one specific moment. All 4 years was a big learning experience. High school has helped shape who I am today.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Definitely Mrs. Johnson.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Keep your circle small, enjoy high school but work hard, and don’t take anything for granted.

What song best defines you?

“Not Afraid” by Eminem.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

That would have to be Sports and Games and Tech Foundations.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to sneak into the soccer games (because that’s what I did lol). 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I definitely miss school. I’m excited for the future but if I could change anything, it would be to go back to school.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A fireman.

What do you want to be now?

I have no idea. 

Senior Will:

I Christian Ramirez-Ruiz, being of calm mind and beautiful body, do hereby bequeath the following item:

To Stephanie Ramirez, I leave my homework.

Danner Rebhun

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to go to college at UVA for Linguistics/Language Education.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

The AP Psychology class with Mr. Healy as a whole was an amazing experience and infinitely interesting class.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Ms. Houff has always been a constant solid aspect of high school. I’ve known her for all 4 years, and she’s an amazing teacher.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Find some activity you can be a part of outside of school. This is how you make your friends and is super important.

What song best defines you?

“Rock + Roll” by EDEN

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

American Sign Language III because I love the language and it re-sparked my passion for learning languages.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to have a coke in hand.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I miss my friends the most.

What do you want to be now?

A teacher. 

Senior Will:

I, Danner Rebhun being of sarcastic mind and uncoordinated body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Oziel Valdez, I leave being over it, ranting, late night talks, being the emotional support friend, my last brain cell, and keeping one act functioning.

To Mariel Joven, I leave John Mayer, long talks about life, being a door, taking you home after school, driving with the sunroof down, La Morena (I took you there first, not Kate), yelling at people from my car, and deserving more than we’re given.

To the Ellies, I leave cute self-cut bangs, being referred to by your last name, one act stardom, crackhead antics in Norfolk, and suffering in my dirty car.

To Anabella DaRosa, I leave deep talks, growing, and never knowing what’s going on in a certain class.

To Abby Mendoza, I leave hatred for a certain fall sport, being the mom friend, and my undying love and respect.

To Cece Thomas, I leave Chechelia, super cute outfits, and Sydney Shaver.

To Jordan Perez, I leave Panera mac and cheese, homecoming, bullying out of love, naps in Norfolk, being told to be nicer to each other, and keeping Stanley under 85 decibels.

To K’lysse, I leave eating Arby’s in the closet, threatening to quit, Michael, giving Daniel preferential treatment, and the right to yell at Bristol.

To Kai Johnson, I leave late night runs in Norfolk.

To Kofi Darko, I leave road rage, Matt Schaeffer, and Jordan Perez (they likely won’t survive without you).

To Leah Jenkins, I leave colored lights, sharing drinks, and Norfolk shenanigans.

To Macy Swift, I leave Eye of the Tiger on GuitarHero, making “potions” in your driveway, and the corn maze.

To Maia Wagler, I leave bullying Kate, arguing about compliments, and utter beauty (which you already have, I just thought I’d remind you.)

To Makayla, I leave a new job, the right to prank call your old one, and better wages now that you’re somewhere else.

To Matt Schaeffer, I leave The Purple Stupid, beign weirdly good at holding people’s wrists, and trying not to laugh during musical.

To Maya Pope, I leave being the ballet queen, physical affection, and pineapples.

To Nissi Gotay, I leave killing it at musical.

To Azalea Twining, I leave unique names, cooler clothes than I have ever worn, and an amazing laugh (seriously, I love your laugh.)

To Nina Alabanza, I leave breaking the floor at VTA, unwavering confidence, and wheelchairs.

To Sophia Yoder, I leave Dairy Queen dates, super cute earrings, and an unclean hotel in Chicago.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave a jawline sharp enough to cut, random Spanish and Japanese phrases, and trading insults.

To Sydney Shaver, I leave the rice purity test and looking great in sweats.

To Mathea, I leave incorrectly pronouncing your name, confusing lunch conversations, and awkward first days.

To Grayson, I leave insults and passing notes.

Estefani Rivas Sierra

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending Virginia Tech!!

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Gloria Figueroa made a real difference in my education because she always was there to motivate and encourage me to do better.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

To not take anything for granted because you don’t know when you will last live it.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to put education before marriage.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

As a senior, COVID-19 messed my year up! I miss my friends, activities, teachers, and school events. I am devastated that this is how my last semester at high school ended. I am sad that I missed out on the Senior Banquets, assemblies, Prom, and most important probably even graduation.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A nurse.

What do you want to be now?

A physician assistant. 

Senior Will:

I Estefani Rivas being of creative mind and charming body, do hereby bequeath the following items: \

To Spanish Honor Society, I leave my leadership role at their hands.

To HOSA, I leave the HOSA Twitter account, so they can keep sharing memorable HOSA events and activities.

To the underclassman, I leave these words: “Do not take high school for granted and enjoy it while you can. I had my last days unexpectedly taken away from me and it wasn’t fun.”

Paula Rivera-Lugo

What are your plans for after graduation?

I am planning on attending The Catholic University of America to study Psychology.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

The New York City trip with the Fine Arts Academy.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Corriston because she has been my teacher for all 4 years and she has helped me grow as both a dancer and a person.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Have a schedule and try not to procrastinate.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

AP psych because it made me realize what I wanted to study it.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to travel the world. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been doing schoolwork and working out. I have felt a little sad.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An astronomer.

What do you want to be now?

A psychologist. 

Alexis Saylor

What are your plans for after graduation?

I will be attending BRCC for two years then I will transfer to Radford University.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

During sophomore year, the English classes went to the Frontier Culture Museum to see the African village because we were reading “When Things Fall Apart” by Pema Chodron.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Wahl made a difference for me in my education because she made sure that I understood the material she was teaching and she is someone I can go to for anything.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Pay attention to your work, not the drama going on.

What song best defines you?

“I Am Not Nothing” by Beth Crowley

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

All of my history classes because the teachers (Walton, Yoder, & Tueting) were awesome.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to get arrested for peaceful protest.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been building Legos and coloring. I miss seeing my teachers and my friends.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A teacher. 

What do you want to be now?

An archivist at the Smithsonian Institute.

Senior Will:

I, Alexis Saylor being of brilliant mind and beautiful body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To all upcoming seniors, I leave you all the things the class of 2020 couldn’t do their final year.

Jacob Seefried

What are your plans for after graduation?

I’m attending James Madison University and am planning on majoring in computer science and minoring in business.

What stands out as the greatest learning experience you had during high school?

Getting a lead role my senior year in my first ever musical was definitely the greatest learning experience I had during high school. I had to learn and practice the basics of singing, acting, and dancing all within an about 4 month time period and it was a lot take in at first. I could feel myself start to get the hang of some things towards the end of musical, but I was still learning new things every day all the way up to the end of it. On top of all of this, I was playing the role of a woman, which made things even more confusing.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Upton had the biggest impact on my education, not only because I had him as teacher all four years (and every day after high school for three years), but because he was a great teacher, friend, and taught me a lot about accountability, organization, and other responsible adult-like things.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Go into everything with an open mindset. Don’t think you have to fit into a certain group of people or only do one specific activity. Try new things and go into everything while being open to new ideas.

What song best defines you?

Mr. Blue Sky.

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Percussion 2 Ensemble. It was a fun way to end the school day by learning and practicing a variety of music on different percussion instruments with some of my closest friends.

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to spend all day gaming. 

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

During quarantine, my days have consisted of working out, forcing myself to do little bits of homework at a time, and lots of gaming. My mood has gone through some ups and downs over the past couple weeks, but I miss my friends the most. I absolutely cannot wait for the day that I can see all of them again.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An astronaut.

What do you want to be now?

A computer scientist. 

Senior Will:

I, Richard Jacob Seefried, being of ridiculous mind and sleepy body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Layla Seefried, I leave the ability to drive yourself to school so you can be there three and a half hours early if you so desire, questionable romantic interests, Shark Boy and Lava Girl (Boy Man and Cucumber Girl haha), singing together in the car, the hosting of the percussion pool parties, and the Seefried Snare Line legacy. You’re going to do a great job as drum captain someday (and also as a lead in the musical because I’m going to make you audition).

To all the young percussionists, I leave the list of rules (I expect you to create a new list next year), the crouton crumble, sliding down the hill at Liberty, random time guesses, sectional favors, and all the ridiculousness that comes with being a part of the percussion family. I love all of you guys.

To all my gamer boys, I leave late nights on the Goofy Discord Server that got us through quarantine, the Blue Streak Way, the ability to destroy all three beds, the reconstruction of HHS, and Toontown. Oh, also, I leave you the Australians. They may not know what Pop-Tarts are, but they mean well.

To Sid Tandel and Alex Macauley, I leave cat and child, hot chips and lying, the monkey videos, the sock in Tony’s PC, and the title of “Team Captain” so that you can lead the Blue Streaks into battle next year.

To Ethan Malcolm, I leave Smash Bros. and the drumline.

To Ryan Secrist, I leave my chapstick and the drumline.

To Jeslyn Liu, I leave you my thanks. Thank you, Jeslyn!

To Alexander Davis, I leave my amazement at those extremely funky quarter notes that you laid down at the beginning of part three.

To Josh Sun, I leave my passion for League of Legends.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave kissing under The Bean, the noise that zombie pigmen be making, and getting to interact with you that one time in You Can’t Stop the Beat.

To Simon Beach, I leave the secret romance that Edna and Link always secretly had.

To Kofi Darko, I leave the prop that I “loaned” you. I hope you make good use of it.

To Evan Eberly, I leave my gratitude for the help in learning some musical theater basics. Also, I leave you my Triple E’s.

To Nissi Gotay, I leave the cursed video that was taken on the hill.

To all the other Blue Streaks, I leave my trust that you will uphold the Blue Streak Way.

Spencer Spears

What are your plans for after graduation?

Attending college. 

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mr. Blosser. He is so caring and passionate. He is always there for his students and really wants to see them succeed.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Don’t take anything or anyone for granted.

What song best defines you?

“Bodys” (yes it is purposefully spelled like that) by Car Seat Headrest

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to eat all of the cheese in your fridge.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I miss my friends the most. They’re the best.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An archaeologist.

What do you want to be now?

I want to be a social worker for a non-profit.

Senior Will:

I, Spencer Spears being of chaotic mind and slim thick body, do hereby bequeath the following items and memories:

To Silas Spears, I leave my incredibly majestic legacy. Don’t let the students of HHS forget the Spears name. U da best lil bro. Tear it up. I love you.

To Tucker McGrath, I leave fast drives in the Versa at 1am, the corner booth at Bojangles and the mountains. Ily.

To Mariel Joven, I leave my crazy rat energy, laughing at the stupidest things, being skinny legends, stunting at VTA, listening to emo music on the bus to feel something, dancing until the ceiling of the Marriott shakes, ETHAN JAMES, and crying for no good reason.

To Stanley Inouye, I leave fresh thrift store outfits, screaming in class, kyoodling, bullying, and the corn in your ARMANI EXCHANGE jacket pocket. I’m gonna miss you bro.

To sweet sweet Maia Wagler, I leave driving on backroads, laughing until we can’t breathe, silly car screaming sessions, second block spanish 2, and most importantly, my entire Baja Blast collection. I am going to miss you so much. Don’t forget about me.

To Oziel Valdez, I leave hating people until you get to know them, trash talking, stupid late night snapchats, cute VTA boys, and all of the tea in the world.

To Emma Veerman, I leave Taco Bell. Take care of her for me. She is the most important.

To Heavy Dose, I leave Matt’s Apartment, the falling game, street pizza, squashed grapes, stick & pokes, and sleepovers. Love you homies.

Lizzy Wyatt

What are your plans for after graduation?

JMU to study dance and biology.

What teacher made a real difference in your education and why?

Mrs. Corriston because she created a safe community among the dancers while advancing everyone’s training and passion for dance.

What piece of advice would you give freshmen entering HHS next year?

Make friends with upperclassmen becauseL #1 they’re cooler and #2 because they have cars. And get involved in the arts.

What song best defines you?

“crazy rap” by afro man

What was your favorite class you took in high school and why?

Any dance class – because we are a family

Describe yourself in ONE word.


If you could give yourself one senior superlative, you would be MOST LIKELY TO ______________? and/or BEST _________________?

Most likely to skip class.

Describe your situation after school closed for COVID-19. What have you been doing? How have you felt? What do you miss most? What else would you add?

I have been spending time with my family, going on drives, and spending time outside. I have felt angry and upset because my friends and I got the better part of senior year taken from us. I miss the little things like sitting in my friends cars before school, trying to figure out ways to skip elt, or Mr. Hook telling my to smile when I walk through the history hallway.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A doctor.

What do you want to be now?

I don’t know. 

Senior Will:

I, Elizabeth Wyatt, being of absent mind and moving body, do hereby bequeath the following items:

To Caleb Goss, I leave the thousands of laughs we shared.

To Anabella Da Rosa and Mariel Joven, I leave slow rider and Mr. Rice.

To Mariel Joven I leave the hour long talks outside of her house after musical practice.

To Cecelia Thomas and Sydney Shaver, I leave all the inspiration you two have given me.

To Elsie Hammond, I leave our wedding certificate.

To Ava Rath and Mia Stewart, I leave Ms. Russo.

To Maia Wagler, I leave my love for dance.

To the musical cast, I leave Saturday night traditions.

To the HHS dance program, I leave my heart and soul and everything I’ve performed on that stage.

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