Khoshnaw adapts to online learning
Photo Courtesy of Prusha Khoshnaw
Everyone learns differently. Some people can’t do online learning because they are so used to teachers teaching. A lot of students don’t know how to teach themselves. “Online is easy and hard. Some parts of it are easy, but some of it isn’t because I don’t like to teach myself the material,” Khoshnaw said.
May 11, 2020
Senior Prusha Khoshnaw is in the Blue Ridge Scholars program. She is working on her associate degree. The coronavirus has impacted everyone in the world. With the coronavirus all the schools and universities have moved their learning online. Just like Blue Ridge Community College.
“I feel devastated about it. I worked so hard all these years for school and came to find out some of my classes were canceled,” Khoshnaw said.
Everyone learns differently. Some people can’t do online learning because they are so used to teachers teaching. A lot of students don’t know how to teach themselves.
“Online is easy and hard. Some parts of it are easy, but some of it isn’t because I don’t like to teach myself the material,” Khoshnaw said.
A lot of students wait until the last minute to do their work which Piles up a lot of work and they become behind. Students get overwhelmed and the work never gets done.
“I am doing fine with online classes, but I prefer not to be online because it is way more work than it was before and everything just piles up for me and the due dates are everywhere and chaotic,” Khoshnaw said.
With online school, you need time management and a planner to write down when work gets done.
“It’s all time management. I have a planner and I write down the times I will be working on the assignment,” Khoshnaw said.
The class most impacted with the coronavirus was the Class of 2020. All their senior events got cancelled.
“I really hate how it is canceled and devastated because I worked hard for it,” Khoshnaw said.
A Lot of high school seniors have committed to a college, Khoshnaw being one of them/
“I plan on going to Eastern Mennonite University. I am going into the nursing program,” Khoshnaw said.
Students can still connect with their classmates and teachers to work on school work with email, facetime, zoom, google hangout and etc.
“I still connect with my classmates at BRCC and we do a lot of study sessions together. “A Lot of my professors have office hours where I can receive help on an assignment or if I just don’t understand the materials. I use that time to reach out to them,” Khoshnaw said.
Khoshnaw works on what she started so they can finish strong.Looking back, Khoshnaw reflects on the good memories she’s made while in high school.
“A good memory was being with my friends at the gym and playing basketball with them,” Khoshnaw said.