Seeing the previews for Immortals puts you in mind of 300 or similar epic movies with starving plots. Basically that bodes completely true in Immortals. The movie begins with a vision of King Hyperion breaking into the Titan’s chamber and freeing them from the cage that the Gods put them in centuries ago.
This vision gives you a look into the possible future as the story of Theseus begins. Theseus is born to a poor mother and is therefore looked down upon in society. You find out that Theseus’s mentor, who is an unnamed old man, has been training Theseus is combat since a young age. This means that even though Theseus is not a soldier, he still is the best warrior in the village. The old man ends up being Zeus in disguise, and he’s trained Theseus to make him fight the hordes of Hyperion’s impending army.
The movie is filled with epic, yet unrealistic fight scenes depicting fights between humans, gods, and titans. That’s basically where the virtue of the movie lies, in the battles. Not to undermine the story line though, as weak as it is, it’s very interesting and keeps you in the movie. It has everything that a guy movie needs, adventure, face melting battle sequences, and a light romantic storyline worked into it. The whole package. The movie didn’t really need to be in 3D, therefore increasing the price about three dollars. Immortals is a great action movie, maybe not worth the movie ticket, but a definite Red Box pickup when it comes out.