Comcast gives two months of free WiFi to eligible students
Photo Courtesy By Wikimedia Commons
The Comcast sign at the entrance of one of their company buildings.
March 13, 2020
Starting March 16, 2020, Comcast from the Blue Ridge Area will be providing students with free WiFi. This will be included in their Internet Essentials Program. For eligible students, the program would last for two months.
This decision has been made in light of the new coronavirus outbreaks to keep lower-income families connected with the news and internet.
In addition to Comcast providing free internet, they also are increasing the speed of their internet to new and current customers. This speed will be a permanent change to Comcast.
To be eligible for the free Internet Essentials Program, you must:
- Be eligible for free national public assistance programs. This includes programs like Medicaid and the National Free Lunch Program.
- Live in an area where Comcast is readily available.
- Not have already been subscribed to Comcast Internet within the last 90 days.
- Have no outstanding debt with Comcast. This only includes the past year.
To sign up, visit Read more about it in the following letters released by Comcast.
Kristine Ivey • Jul 29, 2020 at 11:41 am
I have been a customer for years. I was extremely upset because my service during the Covid-19 was interrupted and my child is starting school this Monday coming for his senior year. I am a single parent and it has been extremely difficult. Why would this service be offered, but you disconnected all of my service because I was short funds to pay at this time for my cable. It is school time and expenses have been on the rise. I am asking for some assistance. Please let me know if I qualify for this program so my son may have the best education possible. I was going to switch services because my son need wifi for his schooling.
Thank You,
Kristine Ruth Ivey