TSA pulls multiple wins at regional competition
The HHS TSA chapter stands together with one of their leaders, Seth Shantz, and THMS TSA members. The chapter holds up awards they won through the competition.
March 9, 2020

March 7, 2020, the Harrisonburg Technology Student Association (TSA) chapter traveled to Stuarts Draft High School to compete in the Valley Region Fair. The chapter traveled with Thomas Harrison Middle School students to compete alongside them. Through the competition, many students received top three in a variety of categories, including prepared presentation and board game design.
With winning multiple top three places, sophomore Sam Rooker and junior Bethany Hinshaw were also inducted into the Valley Region Executive Board. Rooker will serve as the Valley Region Parliamentarian and Hinshaw will serve as the Valley Region Historian.
With their multiple top three wins, the chapter will now proceed to states in Hampton,Va., in May.