Calligraphy is a lost, important art
Miller used her favorite calligraphy markers to create this sign in under two minutes.
Growing up there were two types of people, those who could draw and those who couldn’t. I didn’t classify myself as either, not understanding why I could trace pictures perfectly fine but not free hand those same drawings. I could draw lines, but not bodies. I could draw circles, but not heads. I could draw words, but not cartoons.
I could draw the abstract, but not the concrete.
I have always loved drawing, despite my lack of skill for realistic pictures. So when I discovered the art of calligraphy in eighth grade, I was intrigued and excited.
I bought a calligraphy pen and began to explore medieval calligraphy, something that takes much practice and perfection. I found that I wasn’t great at it, but not in the same way as drawing.
This was a bad I could get better at.
I continued practicing, got some more pens and bought a real calligraphy pen and some writing tips to go with it.
For years, I thought this was all there was in calligraphy, and yet I never was bored with the art and its endless possibilities. I later discovered from a friend that Crayola Supertips markers can be used to practice bounce lettering, a new type of calligraphy.
Right after discovering this new form of calligraphy, which soon became my favorite, I began practicing. After nearly a year of practice and confidence in my newly found artistic desire, I decided to invest in nicer brush pens for this. The Tombow Dual Tip Brush Pens are, in my opinion, the best for this kind of lettering.
Calligraphy is the type of art that can still intrigue me, excite me, challenge me and relax me. I can turn to it whether I need something to do or am trying to get out built up frustration.
It is something that you won’t be good at when you first start, but something that I believe everyone can find passion in. Whether that is skill or relaxation, you will find something in calligraphy.
You don’t need fancy pens to be good at calligraphy. Every single person should go out and try it.
All you need is time, patience and practice.