On February 23, Mark Casstevens began his 8-week student teacher period.
“I was assigned a school and a specific teacher. I didn’t really have any say in the matter,” Casstevens said. “I’m just glad that it was a nearby school, I have friends who have had to go to Fort Defiance and other places.” Casstevens is a JMU student, which is convenient seeing as the teacher he was assigned, Amy Wheeler, is also a JMU alumni.
“Working with Ms. Wheeler has been great, she was a JMU student so she knows my professors and the expectations, she’s very supportive,” Casstevens said.
The students seem to like their student teacher as well.
“He has a good heart, he’s simply misguided by P.E. principles,” sophomore Nevin Heckman said.
As Casstevens mentor-teacher Wheeler seems hopeful. “He interacts really well with the students, he makes a few obvious mistakes but he’s a quick learner,” Wheeler said. “With a year or two of experience he’ll do a great job.”