Cafeteria should serve more vegetarian food
A student made salad from the salad bar sits on a lunch tray.
The cafeteria needs to serve more vegetarian food. There are a lot of students and teachers who choose not to eat meat, and the cafeteria should respect their decision by giving out more vegetarian options.
If there were more options, then that would not only help the vegetarians but everyone else as well. According to Mark Hyman, MD, meat is not super healthy, and if there were less options to get meat, then lunch goers would be more likely to pick a healthier option.
According to Bustle, some of the things that make meat bad are as follows: meat significantly increases your risk of cancer, it increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes and overall it increases your risk of death. If everyone decreased the amount of meat that they consumed, then that would be better for everyone’s health. The HHS cafeteria should make it easier for these people who have chosen not to take the risks of eating meat to have better options.
Currently, there is one main vegetarian option everyday, which is the salad bar. However, eating the same food everyday gets old, and it is not healthy for you either. According to Prevention, eating a variety of healthy foods helps promote greater bacterial diversity in your gut. Vegetarians right now have a limited amount of options, so that’s not healthy.
Even though vegetarians have chosen to eat healthier, they don’t have good options if they want to get the school lunch. It is unfair for them because they deserve to be able to eat what they want and to be able to have multiple options.
It would be better for not only vegetarians, but also all students and teachers if the cafeteria served more vegetarian food. As I have said, it is overall healthier not to eat meat. If there were more vegetarian options, the whole school would be healthier in general. People are always saying that we should eat healthier, and vegetarian food would significantly help that.