Are spoons useless?
A photo juxtaposing the inferior utensil by the fork and knife.
December 8, 2016
When eating a bowl of soup, cereal or any other food that is liquidy, your mind automatically goes to the appropriate utensil, the spoon. But have you ever stopped to think wether spoons are useless? Think about it; the knife is used when a food is in need of cutting. There is no other need for the knife other than cutting something edible that is too tough to be cut by another utensil. The knife is a necessity and there is no way around it.
Another necessity is the fork. A fork is used to pick up a solid piece of food to eat. The fork is safe compared to eating the solid food with a knife or sharp object that can cut you and cause you to make a run to the emergency room. There is no alternative to a fork. You are stuck with using a fork in certain situations because, once again, the fork is a necessity. Pasta, meat, salad and sometimes pizza (for the weirdos out there), can all be eaten with a fork and knife but are an extreme inconvenience if eaten with a spoon.
This brings me to my next point. Let’s talk about the spoon, the peasant of the utensils. A spoon is used when it seems like the appropriate choice. If you have a bowl of tomato soup steaming in front of you or a bowl of ice cream just waiting to be eaten, your best option seems to be a spoon, but there is an alternative. There is no food that exists that you can eat with a spoon that you can not either drink, eat with your hands or eat with a fork and knife. You can drink soup, you can eat ice cream with a fork, but you can not, for example, eat meat with a spoon. What, are you, crazy? The spoon is the most useless out of the three power tools: fork, knife and spoon.
The origin of the word “spoon” originated during the anglo-saxon time period nearly two thousand years ago, meaning “chip of wood.” This definition clearly describes this overrated piece of metal that nobody has an actual use for. The next step, continuing this utensil’s evolution, is for the human race to move on to bigger and better things. It’s 2016 people. Bring on the spork.
Reese • Jan 25, 2021 at 1:09 pm
i agree with this article 100%. spoons are so usless and everything a spoon can do you can do with a fork or your mouth. Anything a fork can do you can’t really do with a spoon