Sports are for all to enjoy

Andrew Rath, Staff Photographer

Why some choose not to participate in athletics is beside me. Sports have so much to offer, from providing the body with a suitable amount of energy, to allowing one to revel in glory following the completion of a goal.

It’s in your DNA.

Humans were originally nomadic, living peripatetic lifestyles. They were made to hunt, track and compete for survival. When that wasn’t the case, humans were constantly moving around and living off the land. Nowadays we sit around and have the luxury of grocery stores and supermarkets. With this luxury comes the suppression of our hardwired tendencies; to compete and move. Hence the need for sports to allow us to compete and exercise our desire to survive (win).

Not only are sports part of what make us human, they also improve the lives that we live on a daily basis. Here are a few ways sports can improve your life:


Improve academics

When participating in a sport, your body starts to produce more energy in response to the uptake in physical activity. This allows for the body to stay awake and focused during school, leading to a better understanding of what is being taught, and in turn leading to better grades.

Find new friends

When joining a sports team you will be surrounded by new people who share a common interest. Not only will you be surrounded by these people during practices, you will also be competing with them. This forms a special bond you will only find on a team.

Set goals

After joining a new activity, you often have an idea of what you want to accomplish, therefore setting a goal for yourself. This gives you something to work towards, which can increase motivation and create a healthy drive/ work ethic.


If you are reading this and are thinking to yourself,  “I would love to play a sport, but I’m not athletic”, or “ I’ve never played a sport before”,or “I don’t know which one is for me.” Don’t fret, there is a sport for everyone. As of now, there are 442 internationally recognized sports anywhere from football and swimming, to pool and aeromodelling. You just have to find one that you enjoy.


A Sport for Everyone. Find yours.