Opinion: One is C418’s best work

April 17, 2015
People tend to plop C418 and Skrillex into the same musical vein, often without a second thought. To assume all Electronica is classified by a monotonous series of bleeps and bloops is, in my opinion, foolish, but completely understandable. I’m willing to bet Electronica isn’t even considered “real music” by most people, much less good music. Computer music? Absurd.
For a while, I, too, was under the misconception that electronic music was created solely for dance clubs and rave parties. I couldn’t imagine listening to it for leisure – until I discovered C418 (and, subsequently, Daft Punk).
C418, A.K.A Daniel Rosenfeld, is a German sound designer. He got his big break writing and performing the music for Minecraft, the insanely popular sandbox game. Rosenfeld went on to produce seven independent albums, all of which are unaffiliated with Minecraft. It was during this time that C418 wrote his magnum opus: One.
One is by far the least Electronica-esque of Rosenfeld’s work and, therefore, his most accessible album to the average listener. C418 is famous for moody, occasionally haunting piano lines, coupled with computer-generated tones. One excels on both accounts.
What I find remarkable about One is its ability to encompass the entire spectrum of human emotion into one album. There are the mellow tracks. There are the angsty tracks. There are the playful tracks. There are the melancholy tracks. The best part? Of the 30-some songs on the album, there are no definitive track-breaks. One feels like an hour-long musical romp through great instrumental music. (If you put this album on shuffle, you’re seriously degrading the whole experience. Play the songs in order, you monster.)
C418 music has the highest replayability value of any music I’ve listened to. I’ve listened to One more obsessively than I care to admit, and each time I’ve stumbled upon a new favorite track.
One can be purchased on Bandcamp for a measly $7 and iTunes for $10.
mrchikan • Mar 9, 2021 at 10:21 am
i know this was made before excursions, but uh, excursions is the best imo