Photo Courtesy of Kaylene Seigle
Headshot of Seigle as seen on campaign website.
Kaylene Seigle
November 1, 2020
Q: Why are you running for school board?
A: I’m running because I want to continue to give back to my community [and] I want to continue to be a voice of reason.
Q: What are your plans for HHS 2?
A:My plans are to try to keep the costs down.
Q: Do you support HHS 2?
A: I do. Originally, for voting for the school was because if we were to do the annex or the addition, those two would have been filled up, and because of the rapid growth of Harrisonburg, It would just make sense to go ahead and build a second High School. Now with COVID, I know there are some concerns with people doing school online, then I’m wondering if building the second High School would actually take place, but that’s just a question.
Q: What are some important aspects of your job?
A: My job is to govern or to oversee the curriculum, to oversee policies, [and] to oversee safety for the students and for the staff.
Q: What are your main interests?
A: My main interest is actually having a board that is balanced. That represents
the different parts of our community because our community is diverse.
I want to see the board represent the diversity of our community.
Q: What is your platform?
A: My platform is that I want to continue to be a voice of reason and to continue to give back to my community. Also I just want to see the board be balanced.
Q: How do you plan to help the school system?
A: I want to communicate with the faculty and staff, [and] I want to
see that our classes are functioning properly.
Q: Where do you think the school system could improve?
A: I will say it in their communication to the community.
Q: How do you think the pandemic has affected the school system?
A: It has affected it tremendously with our students, parents, and staff. Everyone has had to change their lifestyles, their schedules, and their way of scheduling things. I mean, we basically had to start from scratch. Everyone had to start from scratch knowing how the students are going to be learning, how you are going to take care of the younger students, or care for parents that have small children. Same for the teachers and staff, how are they going to receive care for their children, as well, and to do it safely.
Q: How do you think students should start in person learning?
A: I think it should start out in small numbers and gradually increase. As long as we’re monitoring our COVID numbers, I think that’s the best way to do it.
Q: Is there anything else you want the readers to know?
A: I want to let them know that I have enjoyed my time on the board in these past four years, and I would like to continue that.