Evans-Haywood misses high school, prepares for college
April 2, 2020
Photo Courtesy By Faith Evans-Haywood
One of the photos senior Faith Evans-Haywood has on her Instagram page.
Senior Faith Evans-Haywood has been using her time in quarantine to get ready for college and to work on her AP classes. She has work to work on for the AP deadlines. Despite keeping busy, Evans-Haywood still feels distraught from having her senior year end early.
“I’m heartbroken because there are so many last moments that I didn’t get. There are so many teachers and friends that, unless effort is made, I will not get to see them again. Although there are bigger issues right now, for seniors, this is our world and it’s being taken right from us without warning and it’s all confusing and scary and very sad,” Evans-Haywood said.
Evans-Haywood has been using her time to be prepared for college. She plans on attending JMU in the fall and plans to study art education.
“I’ve spent my years getting to know so many different groups of people and I really noticed it this year. Walking through the halls, I’d see countless faces of people that have shaped me in some way. Some would smile, some would wave, some shared a goofy face with me and others an inside joke. It was just so nice to share a moment with so many in our seven minutes of transition,” Evans-Haywood said.
Evans-Haywood appreciates her high school experience and wouldn’t change it for anything.
“I absolutely loved high school. The only thing I would change is going out [with people]. I didn’t really start to go out with friends until this year. I used to go home and go to sleep but, ‘no one looks back on memories and remembers a good night’s sleep.’ I wish I had taken the invites and invited others to explore more,” Evans-Haywood said.
During quarantine, Evans-Haywood hasn’t worried about herself regarding the Coronavirus. However, she is trying to stay safe for the rest of her family.
“I’m not scared for myself, but my grandpa lives with me so I’m trying to stay in and away from others as much as possible. It’s crazy how things can change in such a small amount of time,” Evans-Haywood said.
While making sure she stays safe during COVID-19, Evans-Haywood has been using this time to reflect on her teachers.
“I will miss so many teachers. [Art teacher Jauan] Brooks has been with me all four years and has seen me grow and has really helped me become who I am today. [Social studies teacher Mark] Tueting let me cry but also lose my mind in his class and I’m so grateful for that. I will miss his very loud 8 a.m. classes on who is the worst person in the room, wrestling students and crying at our stupidity. [English teacher Rosanna] Johnson really helped me explore my writing and creativity that I didn’t know I had. She also lets me goof around while keeping me accountable, which I really appreciate,” Evans Haywood said.
Even though she is going to miss high school, there are certain aspects she won’t miss.
“I won’t miss being treated like I’m an elementary student. I also won’t miss the awkward walks up the main stairwell when people stand and stare at the top,” Evans-Haywood said.
Through all this, Evans-Haywood wants to give her class a message and words of encouragement.
“We really had a tough and strange run, but we made it. I’ve encountered so many of you and so many have made a lasting impression. I’ll take all of these molding moments into my future. Thank you,” Evans-Haywood said.