New Q&A’s
An in-depth look into the lives of members at HHS by the Newsstreak and Yearbook staff.

Kelsey Napolitano
How has your first week been? Good, it was fun. What class do you teach? American Sign Language. This semester [I teach] level one, [and] next semester [I'll teach] level two and three. Did you teach anywhere before coming to HHS? Yes, I taught at the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind [for three years]. Do you find the environment from her...

Grysierys Huertas
Where's a place in the world you would like to travel? Probably Bora Bora. Why do you want to go there? Because it’s really pretty. What do you like to do in your free time? I like to sing. How old were you when you started singing? Probably around 10. What made you interested in singing? My friends. What other passion...

Danahisy Marbeli Reyes
What are the things you are looking the most forward to in high school? The thing I am [most] looking forward to is meeting new people and passing my SOL. How has high school been so far? It has been awesome. Are you interested in any sports? I am not interested in any sports for right now. What is your least favorite subject?...

Ellie Velker
What's your family life like, how many siblings? “I have 6 siblings, and my family life is good, it’s kind of hectic in our house because everyone is there all the time.” Do some of your siblings come to this school? “Yeah, my older sister is at this school, and a couple cousins are at this school as well.” Which of your sibli...

Marley Falls
How is your freshman year going? It is pretty good, it seems really fun. What is the best part about high school? All the people I meet in band. Where do you see yourself after high school? I would say college. Why did you choose to do band in high school? I chose to do band because my friends encouraged me to do band they said it will be...

Ariana Hernandez Perez
How’s your high school experience so far? I mean I’ve been doing pretty well, but it’s still the beginning of the year. How much work have you been given so far? Nothing I can’t do, I’ve had homework almost every day but it’s not that hard. Are you participating in any extracurriculars? How do you like it so far? I’m in volleyball. It's actually more compet...

Ella Young
What was the last thing you watched on Netflix? Probably Parks And Rec. What extracurricular activities are you partaking in? Cross country, and this isn't with school, but I do dance. How many honors classes are you taking? I’m taking history, Algebra 2, English, and science. I’m taking them because I think it can help on your GPA. What do...

Michael Coughlin
How many years have you been teaching? I have been teaching at Harrisonburg High School for 1 year, but before I’ve been teaching in other capacities, as in college professor, elementary school aide and substitute for probably about 5 years. What do you like doing in your free time? I’m a nature person, so that includes hiking, camping. I [also] play chess and obviously art. ...

Leonardo Cardoso
What grade are you in? 10th grade. What are your hobbies? Playing sports with family and video games. Do you play any sports? If so what sport? Yes, soccer. Where is your favorite store to shop at? Best buy. What is your favorite shoe brand? Nike. Who is your favorite singer? I don’t really have one. Wha...

Tye Lopez
How has starting highschool been? Good. Do you do any extracurricular activities or after school sports? Basketball. [My favorite part about it is] playing on a team. What is your favorite class? Algebra 1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 1 sister who is 8 years old and goes to Mcgaheysville Elementary school. If you could go anywhere in the world, wh...

Steven Lewis
What are you passionate about? I like nature. I like how it’s peaceful...and all the animals. Do you play any sports? I do soccer and cross-country. Do you do any other extracurricular activities? I do guitar and piano. Well, I mostly did piano because I wanted to do guitar and piano is a good learning instrument, and then guitar because I like the way it so...

Kate Nichols
Have you had any challenges in high school so far? No. What is your favorite class so far and why? Fine Arts, because I know a lot of people in that class Are you planning on doing any sports or activities? Yes, soccer.” If you were a boy what would your name have been? I don’t know. What is your least favorite color combination? ...

Abby Kauffman
There's a race coming up for cross country; are you ready? I guess so. How's the team been? It's been really fun because all the girls are really friendly, and we have a fun time together. Do you have any friends on the team? There are a few other freshman like Kasey Thompson and some other people from Thomas Harrison. How are you adjusting to e...

Anish Aradhey
How has the beginning of freshman year been? “It’s been busy, but fun, yet also kind of boring at the same time.” What were you the most nervous about coming into high school? “I think how often I would get to see people that I know. I was also nervous about new classes and meeting new teachers.” What has been the best part of the first week of highschool? “I think the best part of the fir...

Barbara Gautcher
What was your inspiration for becoming an art teacher? I had a part time job when I was in grad school, working at a school for emotionally disturbed kids and I loved it. And that was the first time I realized I loved teaching kids. Who is your favorite artist? That’s like asking who’s your favorite child. It’s hard to say, I don’t know. I love Georgia O’Keeffe�...

Trevor Inouye
What’s been the best and worst part of going to Harrisonburg High School so far? All the opportunities, there’s a lot of different classes and you can just cover a lot of different things. The worst part is there’s been a lot of people and a lot of classrooms and when your tired in the morning. What’s your favorite class and why? Dance 1 because it’s very relaxed as in the sense of everyone is comfortable ...

Erin Brubaker
What have your first few weeks been like here? “I've learned a lot from being here and have felt very overwhelmed at times but also very supported my entire time here. I know the entire math department can help me out and I know the other teachers can help me out so I think that's the biggest thing” Where did you live? Did you live here? “I grew up in kansas and went to school...
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